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[ hihi! ]

[ new concept, but single-character stories? what do we think? would you all like more of these? lemme know! ]

[ The Spider family (in my au);
•Father {Rick}
•Mother {Akuma}
•Elder Sister {Ami}
•Elder Brother {Todd}
•Younger Brother {Kumo}

[ this entire story will likely be in Rui's pov, but I'll say if I add a new pov. ]

3rd Person;

Rui wandered through the forest, keeping a sharp eye out for Demon Slayers. Not that any often came around the forest, but he wanted to be safe. Better safe than sorry, he figured.

I should've made one of those useless idiots do this. If they're going to be weak, they could at least make themselves useful in some other way. Rui let out a sigh. His built family never seemed to work right. Ami would always screw up her missions; Akuma would always lose control of her puppets; Rick always exposed himself to Demon Slayers before he could manage a sneak attack; Todd was too cocky. Kumo was the only one of the family beside him that was good besides Rui himself.

The sound of a twig snapping, followed by the sound of someone swearing under his breath alerted Rui. He swung his head in that direction, his eyes narrowing. A demon slayer..? He prepared a slicing web between his hands, walking toward the sound.

He stopped when a bush rustled. Biting his lower lip, Rui focused on the spot. Out from the bush stepped a Demon Slayer, his black hair tangled and filled with twigs and leaves. Seriously, none of these Demon Slayers can get through this forest without getting tangled? Jeez..

Rui curled his fingertips and planted his feet firmly on the ground, digging in his heels. The Slayer ran toward him with a determined expression, katana held in front of him. Rui sent a cage-like web structure toward the Slayer, who froze and stared in horror at the structure as it came down on him.

Rui watched, grinning sickly as the webs tore the Slayer to little flesh cubes. Blood stained the ground and splattered on his white yukata. He frowned at the crimson-stained fabric, then went on to collect the Slayer's wrecked body parts. He collected them in a quickly-spun web bowl, then turned to return to his cottage in the woods.

Kumo greeted him when he arrived. The little spider demon jumped up and down, eyeing the bowl in his elder brother's hands excitedly. Rui chuckled lightly and handed his little brother the bowl. Kumo thanked him and ran off, back inside the house. Rui let out a sigh as he sat outside the cottage. Only to be transported a moment later by the sound that always snapped him out of his happy place.

Looking around, Rui rolled his eyes as he found himself in the infinity castle. He was surrounded by the other Lowermoons. Great. What does Lord Muzan want now? he wondered.

Enmu walked toward him, and Rui began fidgeting with his yukata sleeves as Lowermoon One looked him up and down. " What's with the blood on your clothes? " Enmu asked. Rui blinked. " I killed a Demon Slayer. "

" Oh. Are you alright? " Enmu walked closer, draping his arm around the shorter's shoulders. Rui leaned against Enmu and let out a sigh. " I'm okay. He came out of nowhere, that's all. "

" Awh.. " Enmu linked Rui's arm in his. " I'm glad you're alright. " He smiled. Rui leaned his head on Enmu's shoulder. " Yeah. "

Nakime struck her biwa once more, and Muzan stood before the Lowermoons. Rui and Enmu broke apart and knelt in their places, hoping they'd be spared from whatever anger the Demon King was hosting now.

" Have any of you found it yet? " Kibutsuji asked. " The blue spider lily? " The demon King raked his icy red gaze over the Lowermoons. Rui shivered. Enmu opened his mouth to answer, only to be cut off by Kibutsuji. " Your collective silence tells me enough. Why do you all still exist? "

Rui flinched. Mukago whimpered. Rokuro cleared his throat. Kibtusuji let out a sigh and curled his hands into tight fists. " You all have one more chance. Don't screw it up. Find that damn flower. " With his orders given, Kibutsuji disappeared. Mukago let out a whine and clung to Rui's sleeve. Rui wrapped an arm around her shoulder, chewing on his lower lip. Enmu pinched the bridge of his nose, and Kamanue curled up on the ground.

" We're all gonna die if we don't find that flower.. " Wakuraba muttered. Kamanue nodded, biting into his thumb, spitting the bitten-off portion of his finger onto the ground. Mukago glared at him and wrinkled her nose. " That's it. " Rokuro clasped his hands together. " We're going to get that flower. "

Rui shifted his feet and stared at Enmu, who stared right back. Rui narrowed his eyes. " I'll look for it. Mount Natagumo might house it somewhere. It's got to. " He chewed on one nail.

" And if it's not? " Mukago blinked anxiously at him. Rui gritted his teeth. " Then we accept our deaths knowing we searched high and low, near and far. "

The other four Lowermoons raised their voices in agreement, but Enmu was silent, staring at Rui. " What? " Rui tipped his head to one side. " I'll look with you. " Enmu answered. Rui blinked at him, then nodded. " Fine. Let's get going. "



I love rui sm
comment '🕷' if u love Rui <3


word count; 910.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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