Enchanting grom fright/Facing the fears of love

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We cut to see Y/n outside the owl house drawing with an Ice abomination next to him before he smiles and shows the abomination and gets a nod in responce before standing up and facing his creation

"Alright lets go" Y/n says eyes closed before opening them determined "Gear up!" He yells as the abomination breaks apart and flys at him giving him armour with a snowflake pattern and a large snowflake on the back

"I did it, yes!" Y/n celebrates before taking out a pair of bladed tonfas made out of ice

(If you don't know what they are here)

Y/n starts practicing with the Tonfas cutting up targets and trees and summoning icicles and hitting the tree's before hooty 'slinks?' Up to him

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Y/n starts practicing with the Tonfas cutting up targets and trees and summoning icicles and hitting the tree's before hooty 'slinks?' Up to him

"Hey Y/n time for school~" Hooty says in a singsong manner as he gets rid of the armour and grabbing his books

"Hey babe" Luz says walking up and seeing the bloody tree massacre "woah did you get your ice armour working!?" She asks her boyfriend admiring the icicle impaled trees

"Yeah I finally got it working" Y/n says as they start their travel to school

We now cut to school as the teachers are setting up decorations and Y/n and Luz walk with Gus and Willow

"Something is different today" Y/n says looking around

"Did everyone get a hair cut?" Luz says as Y/n doesn't know if she is joking or not

"Oh yea, I forgot you haven't been to the social event of the season" Willow says as Y/n finds it cute how happy she is

"Welcome to your first" Gus says before being cut off by 2 'doctors' wheeling a gurney to a beast keeping coven student

"Come with us immediately, your disease, it is advancing" The doctor says as they put him on the gurney

"Is there a cure doc?" The student asks weakly

"Only one" The doctor says deeply "finding the perfect date to grom" The doctor says, his demeanor doing a full 180

"If that's the cure then" The student says as they wheel him over to Skara "Skara will you go to grom with me" He asks holding up a beating heart with grom written on it in what I'm guessing is blood

"Oh um, no" Skara says as he gets sad

"But why" The student asks as everyone around them looks at him feeling bad

"I like someone else" Skara says briefly looking at Y/n as he is laughing a little

The student lets out a few tears as he is rolled away

"Well not everything good can happen" Willow says slightly feeling bad for him as Y/n fixes himself

"You guys have a weird prom here" Luz says turning to Willow happy

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