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Skye stared up at the ceiling, her arms behind her head. The light sound of the rain pattering on the rooftop kept her awake, along with the harsh winds that whistled roughly outside, making the tree branches tap loudly against the window. The rain, however, was not the only thing keeping her awake.

Her thoughts were racing with doubt and fear. Only a month ago she applied for Stalhedge Academy: School For Magic, but has yet to receive an acceptance letter, thinking they might've declined her application.

It was the only magic school in her state that had a fine reputation. Every witch, wizard, and elf was welcomed there. Her older brother, Awryn, attended the Academy when he was twelve years old, the age she was now.

Her older sister, Willow, who was now fifteen,
was currently attending the school. She couldn't imagine not getting in like they did. Sure, there were other magic schools, but Stalhedge Academy was the only school that had more advanced classes and brilliant teachers. It was also the only school that was more diverse. Not getting in would be a nightmare for her. A nightmare she wouldn't possibly get out of even if she tried to.

"Skye?" Her younger sister, Millie, called worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Skye sighed deeply, not finding the words to tell her sister how stressed she was. She thought stress was only for people who were old, not young people like her. 

"Yes, Millie, I'm fine, go back to sleep." She lied, her voice mumbling tiredly.

It was around two in the morning, which was past her bedtime. She wanted to use a spell to put herself to sleep, but there was a strict law against using magic outside of the magic world.

"No, you're not, I can hear you." Millie's small voice spoke, the lisp she had due to her teeth falling out recently being noticeable.

She had telepathy, the power to read people's minds. It was the only power she had at the moment, as she was only six and her powers were still developing. Skye found it quite annoying, since her sister always knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling.

Sometimes it was great though, because she would use her sister's powers as an advantage toward their siblings and parents.

"Just go back to sleep, it's okay."

"Okay....I'm sure you'll get in. I know you will." Was the last thing she said, before walking back to her room.

Skye sighed again, closing her eyes, trying to fall asleep. Finally, after clearing her mind of all thoughts, she fell asleep, her mind at ease.

The next morning was dispiriting. The rain was still coming down, this time pouring heavily, thunder rumbling quietly outside. Besides that, still no letter had arrived for Skye.

She stared out the window, frowning, hoping to somehow get a glimpse of any of the mail pixies that would deliver letters or packages to her family. She began to lose hope that it will never appear. That she did not get accepted.

A light knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. "Come on, Skyler, it's time for dinner." Her mother's voice spoke behind it, forcing her to sluggishly get up from the bed, frowning as she headed downstairs.

The familiar smell of New England clam chowder hit her nostrils, changing her mood instantly, making her run down the stairs faster. She saw her father and siblings already sitting around the dinner table, chatting while her mother got the food ready.

On the table were empty bowls placed in front of each of them. Her father looked up at her once he noticed her presence, and smiled. "Sup, Skylerbug! You doing okay today?"

She didn't know whether to say yes or no, so she just nodded in response, putting on a fake smile, sitting down in her chair. He looked toward Millie, who gave him a knowing look and shook her head subtly. He smiled at her softly, knowing something wasn't right, but also understanding why she was so low.

Her mother walked up to the dinner table, a smokey pot in her hand, and began dishing out the creamy food into the bowls, including her own. Millie was quick to dig in, not giving herself time to swallow.

"Mildred! You slow down right now! I know I taught you manners!" Their mother scolded, her right hand on her hip as she held the pot with the other.

"Sorry, mommy." She apologized, and began eating more slowly.

Skye twirled the spoon around in her bowl dismally, her elbow pressed against her cheek. Her mother noticed and asked, "Has the letter still not arrived yet, dear?"

Skye shook her head, sighing frustratedly. The letter came back to her thoughts, changing her mood again. She didn't know waiting this long for the mail would be so stressful. She thought perhaps patience was worth the wait, but being patient wasn't something she believed in.

"Don't fret, sweetheart. I'm sure the letter is somewhere on its way right now. Now eat up before your food gets cold." She said, trying to cheer her up.

"I hope so." Skye replied, not trusting her mother's words, and dug into her food, beginning to eat it.


The next few days were dreadful. Skye still had not received her letter, and it was then that she started to lose hope all together. Her parents had no choice but to begin looking for new schools for her to attend, since the school season was coming up very soon.

Fortunately, as the rain had stopped and the sun was now shining brightly in the sky, something miraculous happened. A tiny flying green-skinned creature appeared outside of their house, letters in his hands.

"The pixie is here! The pixie is here!" Skye exclaimed excitedly, sprinting downstairs like Usain Bolt. Hearing her excitement, her siblings and parents walked out of their rooms to see what the commotion was about.

"Did she just say that the pixie's here?" Awryn questioned, his head poking outside his room.

"I assume so." Replied, Willow, a brush in her hand.

Reaching the door, she flew it right open, almost breaking it as it roughly hit the wall. The pixie, Lanok, saw her running and screamed, flying away quickly. "Lanok, wait!"

The next-door neighbor, Beatrice, a lady in her mid-60s, stared weirdly at Skye, watering her plants as she watched the young girl call for the pixie's name.

Only magical beings could see pixies, fairies included, but not norms. The only way they could see them was if they believed in magic and mythical creatures.

Ignoring the woman, Skye wasted no time in opening the mail box and searching through the envelopes. "Yes!" It's here!"

"The letter?" Willow asked, now outside, along with the rest of her family.

"Yes!" She exclaimed in excitement, ripping it open. She unfolded it and immediately began reading it. The smile on her face grew wider as she read the letter.

"By that smile, I take it you got accepted?" Awryn guessed, his brow raised. Too thrilled to speak, she jumped up and down, smiling wider, her teeth showing.

"I guess that's a yes." He chuckled, watching his little sister continue to jump and down with excitement.

First chapter! I hope you guys liked it🤗

I have so many things planned for this story. Since it's a series, I even know how it will end. At first I didn't, until the thought came to me and I made sure to keep note of it.

Make sure to vote, comment, and share!.xX

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