Chapter 1

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Dear Diary Alex and I are in a relationship but something happened Abi kissed me I keep thinking about him when I kiss Alex I think about him when I sleep I think about him today we met in the bathroom and we kissed I think I want to be in a relationship with him but I don't want to break up with Alex, I won't tell anyone.
At school:
-Hey, Alex (runs to him) what are you doing (kiss)
-Good you
-Andrew! (kissing him on the lips) -what are you doing?! i kiss my boyfriend
-what the?! He is my boyfriend - we didn't kiss in the bathroom
- that Andrei is cheating on me with him
- I can explain
- there is no need that I cheated on you with Christian
-what (runs crying to the bathroom)
- stay Andrew (runs to him) Andrew, please forgive me I just want your sausage in my sandwich

AN: I'm dying

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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