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Over the past year Dads side of the family, Daisuke, and mum, have been good. Mum and grandma Tsunade have met and lets just say that my thoughts about Mum looking a lot like Jiraya had proven my thoughts correct when Tsunade had confessed that she did have a daughter but was taken from her.

So it's nice that Mum and Tsunade found their way back to each other. Lady Tsunade is thrilled about having grandchildren especially at their age that they are at now due to the fact that they can have great Ninjutsu fights with each other, although Daisuke messes around a lot.

I can see on Tsunades face that she's beyond happy knowing that there is peices of Jiraya left. I can easily tell that even though that she, even to this day, denies her feelings for Jiraya, that she loves him deeply. 

"Make sure to come back home safely!" Daisuke says rubbing my shoulders interrupting my thoughts, "I know you woke up from your coma two years ago but you still can't fully use your chakra yet so don't get into any troublesome situations."

"Yeah I know," I say timidly.

"You were in that coma for two years, woke up at the ripe age of eighteen and now a year has passed your nineteen now and you still can't use any jutsu apart from the basic three tomoe sharingan and on top of that you refuse to tell anyone what happened in your coma."

"I don't like to talk about it because after I eavesdropped outside of the Hokages office, Katsushikki was there and he revealed what he did in my coma without the knowledge of me being there," I say softly.

"Well it's good to know that your not trying to run away from Kawaki every chance you get now," Daisuke replies with a giggle at my childish behaviour.

"Your always lifting my spirits up Daisuke, thank you for that."

"That's what Brothers are for," he says giving me a quick hug and I give her a hug back before he pulls away, "I'm going to the burger place, I'll be there for a while, come by if you want to. Alright?"

"Yeah," I say nodding and exiting the house to go the crafting store as I watch the snow pile up on the streets and I look back to last year when I woke up from the coma.

≪•◦ Flashback ◦•≫

My eyelids flutter open slowly, greeted by the stark white walls and the faint, rhythmic beeping of medical equipment. The antiseptic smell fills the air, making me scrunch my nose. The brightness of the overhead light makes my eyes squint as I adjust to my surroundings.

"Y/n! You're awake! Oh my God," a familiar voice exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug.

It's him—Kawaki. His yellow and black hair brushes against my shoulder, and my breathing starts to quicken. Fear clenches my heart. All I can think about is the pain, the abuse, the memories that haunted me in my coma.

"Y/n, hey, you okay? Your breathing—" Kawaki begins, his brows furrowed with concern, but I push him away.

"Get off me!" I say, jumping out of the bed and trying to get to the door. But Kawaki blocks my path, holding my arms by my sides. Panic surges through me.

"Stop! Please! Whatever I did, I'm sorry! Just don't hurt me anymore, please!" I cry, tears streaming down my face. "I don't want you to abuse me anymore!"

"Y/n, shhh, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, princess," he says, his voice cracking as he tries to pull me into a hug. But I pull away, backing against the wall.

"You said that so many times," I sob, "but you never stopped. It hurt, Kawaki."

"You were in a coma, Y/n, that wasn't real," he says, his voice breaking. "I'd never hurt you."

"If you're telling the truth, then you'd leave me alone until I feel better," I say, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Y/n, you don't mean that," he says, his expression turning desperate, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please tell me you don't mean that—I can't lose you."

"Please," I whisper, looking down to avoid seeing his broken expression.

Kawaki hesitates, his eyes pleading, but he finally leaves the room. I hear him sit outside the door, refusing to leave the hospital. As the nurses and my family and friends enter the room, I realize that the Kawaki I saw in my coma was just a nightmare, a distorted version of the real Kawaki. The Kawaki I remember is here, waiting for me to find my way back to him.

{two months later}

My ear was pressed flat against the Hokage's office door, trying to catch what was being discussed inside. The voices of Katsushikki, Dad, and Lord Naruto floated through the gaps in the doorframe, but I could only hear fragments of their conversation.

"- You know when I attacked the village while Y/n was in her coma, I made Y/n hate Kawaki when she was in that silly coma of hers that I caused! I made Kawaki do horrible things to her! And I'll do it all again just so she can be mine! I was so worried that I'd hurt Y/n when I attacked the village, that's why I stayed clear of the hospital—I didn't want to hurt my angel!"

My heart sank as I listened to Katsushikki's words. This was the proof I needed to confirm that he was behind the manipulation of my dreams while I was in a coma. His reference to me as "angel" struck a chilling chord; it was the same term Kawaki had used in those awful dreams where he had tormented me.

≪•◦ End of Flashback ◦•≫

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, embarrassed, a blush rising to my cheeks as I just bumped into someone.

I look up to see who I bumped into, and it's Kawaki. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him, but my brow furrows slightly at the scarf around his neck. He's never worn scarves before. Who could've given it to him? Did someone special make it for him? The thought sends a mix of confusion and a twinge of jealousy through me.

Even in the past, Kawaki never wore scarves, not even in winter. I try to shake off the feeling that someone might be special to him—like a lover. But I quickly remind myself that I've been exchanging letters with Boruto, and he told me Kawaki's still in love with me. It's a bit confusing, especially since Boruto's been out traveling, needing a break from all the turmoil.

Boruto's travels are tied to something that happened between him and Sarada right after the fight with Katsushikki. Mitsuki mentioned it once, but he wouldn't tell me the details. I keep asking Sarada, but she just changes the subject. I guess I'll find out eventually.

Despite the uncertainty, it's comforting to know that Kawaki hasn't given up on us. I know it's been years since we've been together, but I'm ready now to try again. I won't let anything come between us. I just have this feeling that something big is about to happen.

"Y-y/n, are you alright?" Kawaki asks, his voice concerned as he holds my shoulders. He gently lifts my bangs and places the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yep. Sorry. Just fine," I say hastily, quickly slipping out of his grasp before he can say anything else. I'm not actually sick—I was just blushing. I feel my cheeks getting warmer as I think about how this was the first conversation I've had with him in years.

A childish smile spreads across my face as I mentally picture myself spinning around, rolling on the floor, kicking my legs in excitement, burying my face in my hands, all while giggling at the thought of him. It feels good to be so giddy over a simple interaction. It's like I'm a kid again, with a crush, and I can't help but feel hopeful about the future.


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edited; 04/may/2024

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