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I came back from the crafting store about an hour ago, and now I'm sitting at the dining table, finishing the scarf I made for Kawaki. It's a lovely purply-gray color, matching the tones I usually see him in. It looks much better than the maroon scarf he was wearing earlier. I carefully fold the scarf and slide it into a flat paper bag, folding the top, securing it with tape, and adding a purple ribbon tied in a neat bow.

I stood up from my chair, holding the flat paper bag just under my chest, and headed to the door. But then I stopped. What if he doesn't like the gift? I walked back to the table, unsure. Maybe he won't appreciate it. I turned around and walked back toward the door, thinking maybe he would like it. The indecision was driving me crazy.

I repeated this process about ten times, walking back and forth between the table and the door, before I heard Mum giggle at my indecisive behavior. I looked at her and pouted in annoyance, feeling embarrassed by my own uncertainty.

"It's not funny," I whined, palming my face with one hand to hide my blush.

"Sorry, honey," Mum giggled as she walked over and slung an arm around my shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Go on, give it to him."

"I'm not giving it to anyone!" I said, feeling my face flush even more.

"Oh yes, you are!" Mum said, giving me a gentle push toward the door. She whispered in my ear, "I'm rooting for you and Kawaki."

"Who's she giving a present to?" I heard Dad ask through the front door.

"Someone," Mum replied teasingly, winking at me.


I took a detour through town to avoid giving the gift to Kawaki. He's been getting a lot of gifts from people in the village, especially from girls. I'm not sure if it's because they have a crush on him or if it's because the Rinne Festival is the perfect excuse to give him gifts. The Rinne Festival used to be a time for praying for the deceased, but now it's more about exchanging gifts with friends and loved ones.

I've heard from Eida that Kawaki hasn't opened any of the gifts he's received. He's been keeping them in the storage room at the Uzumaki house, which could mean he doesn't want them. That gives me some hope that my gift might be accepted, but there's always a chance it won't be.

Eida and I have become besties, thanks to her unexpected love connection with Daisuke. She and I gossip a lot, and it's through her that I know Kawaki still has feelings for me. Apparently, he talks about me all the time. So, maybe there's a chance he'll appreciate my gift.

Kawaki and I only had a brief time together before everything changed. I want that back. I want to feel that closeness with him again. I regret telling him to stay away. If only I had handled things differently, we might still be happy together.

As I walk through town, lost in thought, I hear Eida's voice calling out to me.

"Hey, Y/n!" Eida says, waving at me from a table outside a burger joint.

I slow my pace and see her sitting with Mitsuki, Sarada, and Kawaki. It's basically our old team seven. I don't understand why they're sitting outside when there are tables inside. It's freezing out here.

"Come eat with us; it's all on Kawaki," she says, hooking her arm with mine.

"Oh, I don't think—"

"Oh yes, you are," she cuts me off, dragging me to the table.

"Y/n," Kawaki says, looking surprised and a bit nervous as I join them.

"Hey," I say, feeling a bit shy under his gaze.

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