Chapter 7

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"So, why havent Ise seen youse at the gates before?" I asked, usually Wiesel would be proud to show off his workers. "Uncle Wiesel says I'm not intimidating enough for that. I would look weak next to Morris and Oscar. I usually stack the newspapers." He told me. He was blonde, unlike his brunette brothers. "So why did he decide to let you out now?" I questioned. "Oscar got pretty hurt. Wiesel was practically forced to let me out" Trevor put his hands in his pockets. "And youse decided to walk around New York instead of doing your job?" Trevor looked as if he was hit by lightning. "Oh crap! I gotta go!" Trevor ran towards the gates. I laughed to myself. Trevor was nice, but a DeLancey is a DeLancey. Besides, if he learned anything from his brothers, he would be agressive too. I felt an arm on my shoulder. "Who was that?" I heard David's voice behind me.  "Whose that?" He asked. "Trevor" I replied. "Trevor whooo?" He stood infront of me. I was hesitant to tell him. I knew he would be angry. "Delancey... Trevor Delancey. " I answered quietly.  Davey looked shocked. "A DeLancey!?" He yelled. I covered his mouth. "Shhh! Yes hes a Delancey. He told me Wiesel didn't think he was strong enough to work at the gates. Hes practically harmless." I reasoned. David looked unconvinced. "Y/N, hes still a Delancey. I'm just trying to protect you." Davey really did want to take care of me and he would take all sacrifices. Besides, I've only just met Trevor. AndmaybeDaveywastheloveofmylife- (spoken fastly) there. I admit it. I had fallen in love with the new boy. But he didn't need to know that. "Hello? You there?" Davey waved his hands in my face. I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying! "Yeah, I'm okay. I just zoned out! So stupid of me!" I laughed awkwardly. "Did you hear anything I said?" He asked. Crap! I didnt hear any of it. Maybe I could lie my way through it. "Totally." I tried to look like I wasnt lying. I totally failed. "Then what did I say?" He said, getting real close to my face.  I felt my face flush a little. Not a whole lot, just enough to be noticable. "That you dont like Trevor...?" I guessed. He laughed. "Not even close!" We laughed it off. "What did you actually say then?" I grabbed his hand and we started walking. "I'll never tell you." He replied. Now I really wanted to know! "Please tell meeee!" I begged. "Maybe once I know you'll listen." He replied. I wondered what he could of said. I mean, it couldn't be that embarrassing. Could it?

*1 hour and 56 minutes later, at the Lodging house*
While Race wasn't looking, I stole his cigar. Why? Just for fun. Davey saw me reach for it and looked as if I was in big trouble. I mean, I was in big trouble, but not yet at least. Race and Ablert walked out of the lodge together. I kid you not, 6 and a half minutes went by and the door swung open. Racetrack stomped into the room with Albert by his side. "WHERE IS IT?!" Race yelled throughout the Lodge. Every Newsie turned to look at him. Race was enraged, I hadn't seen him this angry since Albert hid Racetracks cigar two weeks ago. (Yeah, hes almost always this mad) "Wheres what?" Skittery asked, looking confused. "MY CIGAR!" Race looked about ready to tear the whole Lodge apart or start sobbing. I tried to hide my giggle. Of course, Racetrack saw it. "Y/N M/N (middle name) Morris. Do you have my cigar?" He asked, trying to keep his cool. I could tell his fury was over the roof just by his eyes. "Maybe.." I giggled and climbed onto the top bunk of Albert's bed. Racetrack chased after me. Before he could climb the ladder I called out, "Fetch!" And chucked the cigar. Henry caught it. Racetrack, still filled with anger, picked up Albert bridal style. "FETCH THIS!" he yelled and was about to chuck Albert. "PUT ME DOWN STOP AUZUAGAYAISBAHZ" Albert screamed and kicked. Davey stood up and blocked Racetrack from my view. "NO! VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER!!" He yelled, snatching Albert form Race. "Of course it is! Especially when some bookworm steals your cigar " he snarled, glaring at me. "Look! Henry has the cigar! Go get it from Henry and Books will apologize to you." Davey tried to sort things out. "Fine.." Race grumbled and snatched his cigar from Henry. "Racetrack, Ise is sorry for stealing your cigar. I didnt plan on using it! It would have made my breath smell disgusting like yours anyways." I mumbled the last few words. Davey looked somewhat pleased. He definitely heard that last part. "Okay.. that was a start... now Race, apologize to Albert for trying to chuck him across the room" David reprimanded. I loved how calm he could stay all the time. I loved his laugh, his eyes, his personality, his hair, his smile, everything about him. But he didnt need to know that. "Ise is sorry for trying to chuck you, Albert" Race apologized and hugged Albert slightly. Now that that's over, I could get some air. Racetrack stunk it up with his cigar-smelling breath. I walked out of the Lodge and sat on a bench infront of a bakery. Unannounced to me, Davey sat right next to me and grabbed my hand. I felt my face go warm. "You okay, Y/N?" He asked, looking at me. Since I've always been bad at eye contact, I just stared at the floor. "Ise is fine. The Lodge was just getting a little cramped. That's all." I replied. I just noticed how he called me Y/N instead of Books. Usually, I would hate that but when he says it, its comforting. "I understand that. I just thought with everything going on lately you didnt feel well. But if you arent feeling okay I can leave you alone- do you want me to go? I'll go-" he spoke. "No! You can stay. I'd rather have someone like you around than a stranger." I replied. I'd rather have him next to me than anyone in the world. Besides Crutchie, but that's different. We ended up talking for a long time. Just like we did at our first ever meet up. Ever since then, me and Davey have grown closer. "Hey, I gotta go, its really late." I sighed. Part of me wanted to stay but I knew if I did someone would complain. "Alright then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He sounded sad. I knew what to do. Another meetup! "Actually, meet me behind the Lodge at 12PM tonight." Behind the Lodge was a great place. There was enough privacy, but I was close enough to home. "See ya, Newbie!" I called out as a ran towards the Lodge. He waved and smiled. That adorable smile.

Oops it's been like 3 days since I posted. I kept getting distracted. Anyways, I have a few days off to work on the story so let's hope I can get more posted. It's getting to the more lovey dovey parts oh gosh.

"Newbie" DavidJacobsXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now