[Request: Platonic Tess x Aristris x Scriptliss] Ice Cream and Dreams

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait! School got in the way of things, but better late than never haha-

This was requested by: thefand0m_writer!


After Dusekkar had reconstructed reality, both Scriptliss and Tess had settled into Cutout Town as roommates. Though the alchemist hadn't expected to ever live another day, he didn't object to the idea of living. Especially when the entire town had welcomed him with open arms despite his time under the control of a void god. Not only that, he was able to finally reconnect with his dear best friend after so long. With nowhere else to go, staying together with an old ally was far better than drifting away from him once more.

Yet, Tess was inclined to continue studying despite the tragedy the void nearly wrought upon himself. He couldn't prevent himself from being captured by the dark arts, constantly busy at work. Nestled in his bed with a textbook in hand, he leafed through the pages searching for any information he missed.

A knock on the door came, followed by a voice from the other side, "Tess! Do you want to get ice cream together?"

The voice had belonged to none other than Scriptliss, eagerly waiting for a response.

The alchemist wanted to at least observe the weather before pausing his studies; he picked himself off of the bed and headed towards the window. Tess pushed aside the curtains to reveal the scenery outside. With some splotches of gray in the sky, there was bound to be a rain shower within the next few hours.

Opening the door, Tess had a worried look on his face, "It looks like it will rain... Are you really sure that you want to go outside?"

"No, it's even better actually," The demon's tail flicked as a smile popped onto his face, "There's not going to be a long line!"

The alchemist remained reluctant, "Still though..."

"Come on... You really need to take breaks," Scriptliss gently tugged on the other's arm, "When's the last time you went outside? Not counting studying."

Tess thought for a moment, wondering just how long it had been since the last occurrence he had been outside for leisure.

It had been too long since he had a proper break.

He finally gave in, a soft smile on his face, "I'll head out with you. I'm sure that it'll be fun."

Scriptliss happily cheered, "Good! We gotta head out there quick before the storm arrives then."

Hurrying out of the apartment, the two briskly traveled through Cutout Town. The windy conditions of the atmosphere were oddly comforting. Compared to the typical scorching heat of a summer day, the cool winds were much more preferable.

All of the other residents were preparing for the incoming storm by quickly entering their homes. That left the streets free of crowds, making traveling easier.

They had continued on until they reached the very center of Cutout Town, the place that led to everywhere. There were a myriad of winding pathways; all of them led to different branches of the area without much indicator of where. Tess's eyes rapidly glanced around the area, hoping that there would at least be some hint to which path to take. However, aside from some arrow-shaped signs leading to more general locations, there wasn't anything for more specific locations.

Scriptliss let out a sheepish chuckle, scratching the back of his own head, "I was never really good with directions..."

"We would always ask Dusekkar for help on that matter..." Tess commented, attempting to keep the mood lighthearted. Though, he was avoiding the fact that the two were utterly lost.

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