【 Information 】

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· ●{ Valuable Information }● ·


"Okay... so if I set you free, you'll comply on fulfilling any favour for me, right?" Aether questions and [N] nods with a wide smile.

"That's right! I'll do anything, but I won't help you if it involves doing your chores - that's so... lame." [N] states to Aether.

"Okay then, how do I even free you?"

"Easy! You find the other rings of this thing I'm stuck in, and pinky swear to set me free!" [N] explained as he threw his hands up in the air with excitement.

"I see... where exactly are the other rings of this device?" Asked Aether.

"I don't know." [N] shrugged as he let himself drift upside down in the void.

Aether grumbled in frustration.

"It's not that bad! You can think of it as some game, it's more fun that way!" [N] giggled while Aether sighed.

The stars in the void began to grow brighter and brighter by the passing second.

"Would you look at that, you're gonna to wake up soon. No fair I also wanna leave this place too!" [N] whined.

"Ah wai--!"

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Aether gasped as he jolted awake.

"What the hell..." Aether says as he runs a hand through his hair.

"You finally woke up! Are you okay? Paimon was a little worried because you kept on mumbling in your sleep!" Said Paimon as she floated beside her companion.

Aether finally took notice of Paimon and sighed. "Yeah... I'm okay... but I have something to tell you, and I really think you should at least know about this."


"No way! So you think the way you came into contact with him is because of this thing?!" Exclaimed Paimon as she pointed to the spherical artefact in Aether's hand.

The Traveler had explained the whole story of his strange behaviour and his contact with [N].

"I think so. On top of that, I made a deal with [N]." Aether adds.

"What was the deal about exactly?"

"[N] promised to do me any favour in exchange for setting him free this thing." Aether stated and Paimon grew wary about this.

"Are you sure you wanna make a deal with him? I mean he could be really dangerous if he had to be imprisoned like this." Opined Paimon.


Back at the Chasm, Xiao walks up to Zhongli with the other Adepti. All of them just coming back from within the underground mines.

"We couldn't find the Astrolabe. It appears someone must've taken it the moment it was activated and forewarnings were casted since last night." Xiao told Zhongli.

"If someone were to now have it within their possession as we speak, this spills potential disaster for the whole of Teyvat - no matter the individual's intention with the artefact. We must begin searching further for the Borstal Astrolabe immediately." Cloud Retainer said.

"You all begin searching, I'll try and inform the other Archons about the situation." Zhongli says and the Adepti immediately split up.

"I just hope whoever is in possession of the Borstal Astrolabe, does not set Paidí Astéri free." Zhongli muttered to himself before leaving the Chasm.


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