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Rem dodged all of Xania's attacks, confusing the Voidwalker, because she always believed that dolls were weaker versions of their original selves. "What the hell are you?...." Xania didn't mean to ask this to Rem. For some reason, Xania was terrified of Rem now. "You wouldn't happen to be slowing down, would you?....How slothful~" Rem grabbed Xania with unseen hands, and she ripped her legs off with a smile on her face. Xania screamed in pain, and she felt herself being strangled by her enemy. "Enemy detected. Initiating combat mode." Rem looked around, wondering who was speaking, but she was kicked in the face by Anastasia Swan, the kick freeing Xania from Rem's grip. "Initiating rescue protocol." Anastasia picked Xania up, and she disappeared through a portal back to Sumeru, making sure that Rem would not follow her back to Sumeru. "A minor setback. Regardless. My master will no longer be threatened by Xania Sombra." Rem sprinted towards the royal capital of Lagunica, being lucky enough to not be attacked by anyone else. Rem entered the throne room, holding Xania's severed legs in her hands. "Master. I have eliminated another threat to your rule." Ryuzu Saika smirked, and she said that she was allowed to eat Xania's severed legs if she wanted to eat them. Rem consumed the legs, and she bowed before Ryuzu Saika again. "What now, Master?" Ryuzu Saika said that she wanted to expand her territory. "You and I are going to Vollachia." Ryuzu got off her throne, and she walked over to Rem. "Don't worry though. One of my more intelligent copies will look after Lagunica while I am in Vollachia with you." Ryuzu smiled, and she teleported herself and Rem to the exact same place where Rem woke up shortly after the death of Ley Batenkaitos a few decades ago. "Why did it have to be this place?...." Rem was obviously talking about the meadow that they were in. "I apologise. It is the only peaceful part of Vollachia, so it would be better for us to use this as a base of operations." Rem sighed, and she said that she won't complain again. "Something is coming." Anastasia flew out of the jungles, and she landed in front of Ryuzu Saika. "Enemy detected. Initiating combat mode." One of the 17 gems on Anastasia's chest lit up, and she began to use Betelgeuse's unseen hands to attack Ryuzu Saika. Rem sent Anastasia flying using her morning star. "Critical damage detected. Initiating tactical retreat." Anastasia flew back to Sumeru, her right arm hanging on by a thread. "Interesting. The greatest threat to my rule has not fully reawakened yet." Rem crossed her arms, and she told Ryuzu that she did notice that her movements were almost completely robotic. Ryuzu looked at the broken pieces of wiring, and she agreed with Rem's claims. "We should continue to focus on taking control of Vollachia." Ryuzu shook her head. "There is one problem. Harmony Swan has reclaimed her body from Zamasu. At her full strength, she will be another threat that we will be unable to ignore." Rem told her master to focus on their mission. "Right." Ryuzu Saika raised her hands, and a swarm of Unseen hands surrounded the imperial capital of Vollachia. "Now where do you think you're going?" Ryuzu Saika and Rem turned around to see Harmony Todoroki and Red Swan standing behind them.

To Be Continued In Chapter 12: Greed....

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