Chapter 16

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We walked out of the movie a couple hours later and I wiped a tear from my face. "That was... amazing."

Brandon smiled lightly. "Yeah. You cried alot."

I chuckled. "It was really sad and happy all at the same time. It was very overwhelming." I glanced at a few of the other people coming out. "Besides, I wasn't the only one." I said motioning to a young girl and her boyfriend.

Brandon shrugged. "Does it make me heartless that I didn't cry?"

I scoffed. "You did too. It may have been dark but, I saw those tears. Don't try and hide it."

He grinned. "I guess you were watching me."

The smile on my face vanished and I blushed. "I was not." I muttered looking away in embarrassment.

He put an arm around my should and chuckled. "I guess I'm just that handsome."

I rolled my eyes and lifted his arm away from me. "Full of yourself much? I knew you were proud of your dating reputation but, really."

He frowned. "What dating reputation? I have no such thing."

"Oh, really? All the girls at school say you're a player. That you've dated all the girls in the whole school." I said smirking.

He huffed. "That's obviously a lie. I've only dated once and it ended pretty badly." He smiled at me. "Ever since I've only had my eye on one girl and one girl only."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who?" I asked, not sure if I wanted an answer.

He shrugged causing me to frown. "Who do you like?" I asked again. He glanced at me before looking forward again. "I'll tell you what. If you spend the rest of today with me, I'll tell you."

I quickly thought through my schedule and shrugged. "Alright. I'm free all day so I can do that."

He looked like he'd been given the lottery. "Really? Great! What do you want to do first?"

I looked around the mall we had gone to to see the movie and made a small hm. "I don't know. I didn't expect to go anywhere else so I didn't really think about it."

"Well, I know it's already spring but, I think this place has an ice skating rink." Brandon suggested.

I nodded. "That sounds fun."

Since I wasn't familiar with this mall he lead the way, passing shops and stands. When the rink came into sight my eyes widened. "It's huge. How did they fit that in here?"

He chuckled. "The art of construction workers. It amazes all who see it."

I laughed and we went up to buy tickets. I pulled out my purse and Brandon frowned. "Oh, no you don't. I'm paying."

"But, you payed for tickets to the movie and lunch. I have to pitch in. That would be rude to have you pay for everything." I protested.

He shook his head and pulled out his wallet. "I want to. Besides, I'm the one who asked you to the movies and lunch. It's only right that I pay."

I would have pushed it more but, he had already bought the tickets and was pulling me into the back to get skates. I frowned. "Brandon, seriously. You're making me feel bad."

He smiled and shook his head. "Don't."

I sighed and we got our skates on. After tying out skates and walking to the ice I paused. Looking out over the cold, solid water was nice. Especially when you were standing next to someone like Brandon. Someone who you know will pick you up when you fall.

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