post prom - deleted scene

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"The Morning After"

Morning arrived a lot faster than you expected, the events of last night fading away like a pleasant dream. You woke up with a slight headache and smelled bacon sizzling on the stove.

Oh no, you thought, and felt your stomach churn with dread. You sat up on your elbow, expecting to find yourself trapped inside the painted walls of your own bedroom. Instead, you found yourself staring right into the piercing eyes of a frightening, fleshless monster, grinning at you with a mouth full of teeth. A quiet laugh escaped you and you smiled back. It wasn't a dream. You were in Eddie's house, in his room, in his bed, wearing his Megadeth shirt. You looked down at it and blushed. Then you felt a warm weight next to you and your blush deepened.

Shyly, you peeked over your shoulder and saw Eddie lying on his side, snoring softly with his face half hidden behind his forearm. He was still wearing the chain on his wrist, but his rings were resting on the nightstand beside him, all but one. He must have forgotten to take that one off.

A look of wonder consumed your face as you stared at him, your cheeks still burning with excitement. Admittedly, you felt a little silly getting all flustered over something as simple as this. Hours ago, you had this guy's tongue in your mouth, but this—this totally innocent moment—had you blushing like a schoolgirl flipping through her anatomy book.

Silly as it was, somehow waking up next to him felt more intimate than anything you did last night. Honestly, you weren't sure you would ever get used to it.

Outside, the clatter of dishes brought you crashing back to reality. You were in Eddie's house, in his room, in his bed, wearing his Megadeth shirt... and his uncle was cooking breakfast for himself in the kitchen!

You slapped your hand over your mouth, smothering a yelp of panic. What were you supposed to do? How were you supposed to face him like this? Good morning, sir, I'm the floozy that went home with your nephew last night. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I drank your beer and made a mess of your kitchen. Also, I might've ruined your jacket.

Oh shit. Yeah, that definitely wasn't an option.

So now the only way out of this mess was through that porch door. It was well within reach, less than ten feet away. If you were really stealthy and really lucky, you could sneak out the door without him noticing you.

Quiet as a thief, as Elaria Quint, your old D&D character (who ironically enough was terrible at sneaking—yeah, her stats were absolute shit), you crept out of bed and searched for your clothes. You found your prom dress draped on the back of Eddie's desk chair, but your shoes were nowhere to be found. Where had you taken off your shoes? You had them on when you left The Hideout. You had contemplated taking them off when you entered the house, but then you saw that Eddie had kept his on, so you left yours on too because you didn't want to seem weird. Then they stayed on for most of the night even though they made your feet hurt, until...

until things got a little heated and you two decided to move to the bedroom. Yeah, that's when you had taken them off. You had tripped on your heels because you were a little tipsy from the beer (Wow, one can of beer made me tipsy. Damn, I'm such a lightweight), so you slipped them off and tossed them to the side, where they were now:

on top of the washing machine,

in the kitchen,

where Wayne Munson was currently making himself breakfast.

Fuck it, you thought. I'll just go barefoot. Yeah, I'll run out of here like Barney Rubble, I don't give a shit. Yabba-dabba-no, fuck that, I'm not doing this right now. I'm not taking that walk of shame. No way!

DANCING WITH MYSELF • EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now