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elizabeth bennet, age 25, is the second born of the bennet family. her eldest sister jane, is 27 and married to lord bingley, after her is mary, she's 23, her and eloise are the best of friends, then next is kitty, 21, and lydia 20. their parents are lord nicholas bennet and lady emelia bennet.

kitty and lydia are to have their debut in society this year so elizabeth saw it fit to finally come back home and it is perfect timing as she has just finished her years of school at the university of bologna in italy. over the four years, she got her degree in literature and became fluent in italian and latin, adding on to the many years of french from her childhood.

elizabeth bennet and anthony bridgerton have never liked each other. i'm fact they absolutely despised each other ever since they were children. lizzie has always gotten along great with the rest of the bridgertons though. violet even jokes about her being the daughter she never knew she needed.

anthony always hated the fact that she got along so well with his family. maybe it was because he wanted her to give him the same care and attention she gave his siblings but you would be crazy if you though anthony would ever admit that to himself never mind anyone else but a part of him also adored her for the same thing. if she could get along so well with his absolutely amazing yet undoubtedly insane family then she was already perfect in his eyes.

but she wasn't perfect in his eyes. in his eyes she was rude, uncivilized, and had no respect. she never knew when to shut her mouth and she enjoyed physical violence a little too much. especially when it came to anthony bridgerton. there is nothing elizabeth bennet loves more in this world than beating anthony bridgerton at a round of fencing.

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