Chapter One: Wedding Day Jitters

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Wedding days are always beautiful no matter where they're located, Eve wanted her wedding to be remembered and thought about whenever you wanted a fairy tale wedding.

I was waiting behind Francis in the middle of the room before going to the altar the doors being wide open I can see how the garden wedding theme, seeing the hanging fairy lights above my head, some of the guests sitting in their seats conversing with one another, and seeing my friends in their seats made my heart beat a bit slower than it was speeding earlier. I couldn't handle the stress of being my friend's best man, the suit felt like it was constricting my throat, and the maroon bow tie wasn't doing anything either but making it even harder to breathe.

I was in a bad spot, I caught my sister with another man at her bachelorette party, and now knowing what to do, Eve and Jeremiah put me in a position where I shouldn't betray my family but at the same time I was betraying a good friend. So I was in between a rock in a hard place.

I started walking standing behind Francis, Seeing me Francis turned around and gave me a fist bump, he was so happy and excited it was like seeing a boy ask out his crush and she says yes.

While I stood there feeling like I was about to burst at any moment. I looked like I was so fragile, feeling like everyone could tell, seats were piling up fast. I could see my mom right up front, talking with the other guests behind her, they were laughing and looking like they were in their little world.

"Mate, I'm so excited about today." Francis turned around to look at me.

I nod and smile trying to hide the uncomfortable feeling that was ready to come out. I felt like Francis could tell I was uncomfortable, he always had this sixth sense about others people's feelings.

"You alright mate?" Francis asked raising his left eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, It's just the tie is a little tight, I think my dad did it too tight on me." I breathe trying to fix my bow tie.

Francis turns his full body towards me, coming closer to fixing my bow tie, he smelled like some really expensive cologne, his hair looked all done up, his corsage pinned on his suit jacket, seeing his maroon tie, he looked so professional, last time I saw him look this professional was high school graduation.

It almost made me weak in the knees to see him this close to me, I wanted to smell the cologne and bask in the smell and have a field day.

He pulled the strap on my bow tie and it felt like I could breathe, I felt good. . . adjacent, I still felt like shit about the secret I was keeping but this time I could breathe.

"Thanks, Frankie." I smile.

"Frankie, haven't heard that in a while." Francis smiled turning back around to his original position.

Frankie was a nickname I gave Francis when we became close friends in high school, he liked it when I called him it. He always thought it was funny and it made sense to make a cooler version of his name.

When my sister and he started dating after high school I wasn't pissed, I was a little shocked but not pissed I supported them, I always found them cute but I was always a bit jealous, there was a part of me that had a crush on Francis but it was always small but when high school was coming to an end, It kept growing up into a full-blown school girl crush.

It was hard to be his friend and not imagine how it would be if he went on a date with his tall Australian best friend.

I looked around my surroundings to get my bearings before the ceremony started, guests were starting to pile up, and all but two were empty and it were for my my mom and dad, our dad was walking Eve down the aisle he was more excited of walking her down the aisle then anything I have ever seen him.

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