chapter sixteen

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(note): I made changes to Bonnie's song in this one.

Fizzarolli's mind had slowly deteriorated, his mental health becoming worser and worser as days became weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned into years.

They had tried to fix him, they really did. But it was no use, his limbs were no longer functional, useable.

They had chopped off his arms and legs, he was awake through the whole surgery. It was painful, and at some point he begged Satan to kill him.

They had replaced the missing limbs with robotic parts, the limbs were black and able to stretch out far.

They reminded him of the noodles he hated, they were rubbery and smooth. Nothing like the ones he ate at home, kinda like his tail.

A real shame really, his tail was chopped off like the rest of his limbs, being replaced like the rest of the have. And for his horns? Well, they simply wouldn't grow back on the one side so the had to cut his last one off.

And now, as he stared at himself in the mirror. His skin a dark red, dirtied with dried blood, his eyes blood shot from no sleep. He looked like a fool, both of his horns missing, his limbs replaced with robotic parts.

He had fallen from fame. Taking a vary hard hit, would you recognize him? Would you be applaud by his new look.

He looked down at his hands, lifting one up to touch his face, it had been slightly damaged, he had a cover over his one eye as it had been nearly gauged out by a stray nail on the ground.

Looking up at the mirror he grimaced, he looked awful.

Hello new face, this is all so strange.
It seems to me that I am no longer the same, now he gets the fame.
It's always been me but things have changed.
Now this disturbing face, will be the first thing he sees.

Reaching up he tugged off the cover, the white patch came off. Revealing his eye, his eye was slightly torn open, and some specks of dirt fell from the wound.

The doctors tore me apart,
They took away my arms, they tore off my legs, and they sold my tail for cash,
They stole my horns, and put them on display.

His bottom lip quivered as he stared at his cold metallic parts. He felt so numb inside, he was now part machine now and nothing was gonna change.

It just isn't fair, blitzø will never feel the pain I bare.

He was done playing games with these moronic doctors, he wanted his horns back, he wanted his legs and arms back. He wanted his old life back.

My replacements are new!
I've got the lastest tech too!
I've got nothing left too spare, so let me sing a song for you.

Moving out of the bathroom he removed his hospital gown, putting on the clothes blitzø brought to him on his visit.

Buttoning up his outfit he slipped on a pair of hollow looking birthday hats. Both of them were cone shaped, with little white pomps on the tips of them.

Now with a single red eye, I'll be their demise, as I so dearly choose.

He had to figure a way out of his room, it shouldn't be hard as the doctors and nurses here were incompetent. Being far too stupid for this job.

He scrounged through his dresser, pulling out a small rusted bobby pin. Perfect, this was exactly what he needed.

Turning back to the entrance he approached the dirty door, sliding in the bobby pin, Turing and twisting it. Turning the handle every now and then to see if he unlocked the door.

My name is fizzarolli,
I'm a circus performer,
I'm the number one star,
So don't you forget who I was.


He thought, listening to the sound of the lock clicking open, the door slowly moved making no sound.

It was time for his revenge, it would be simple really, first he'd deal with the nurses, poisoning them without getting caught. Then lure the doctors to their deaths, while keeping one just to torture. For fun, everybody does that.

My replacements are new!
I've got the lastest tech too!
It's shiny and brand new.

Moving out the room he tip-toed pasted some sleeping doctors. This was too easy, he could just kill everybody where they stood but, where's the fun in that?

Now with a single red eye,
I'll be their demise, as I so dearly choose.

The halls were dirty, and the ceiling was leaking some brown water.

The doctors tore me apart,
They took away my arms,
They tore off my legs,
And they sold my tail for cash,
They stole my horns and put them on display.

It just isn't fair!
Blitzø will never feel the pain I bare.

He had sufficiently put in the poison in the drinks, unfortunately everybody would be drinking it so he wouldn't be able to get a hostage.

He watched in glee as everybody drank the poisoned drinks. He'd get his horns back, even if he couldn't fix em, he could give them to his parents. Weird he knew but it was tradition, to give your broken or sawed off horns to your older parent to keep.

He didn't know what they did with them but he'd rather have his mother jeep them than these morons.

My replacements are new!
I've got the lastest tech too!
I have nothing left too spare,
So let me sing a song for you.

He watched in glee as the doctors and nurses succumbed to death, blood gargled up their throats in chunks and globs on the floor.

Stepping over the bodies he made his way to the doctors office.

Opening the door he was met with a disgusting pungent smell that filled the air.

Scrunching his nose up he looked around the room. On the table were documents, and other such things.

He would've looked past the stuff if it weren't for the fact one of the documents were classified top-secret and had your name and picture on it.

Immediately he scooped up the document, stuffing it into his suit.

He'd read it once he got home, looking around the room he spotted only one of his horns. They must've sold the broken off one, it's fine. He got his revenge and a document about you, so that's a bonus.

Now all he has to do was get home, which wasn't far it was only a few blocks from this shitty hospital.

Word count 1114

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