Chapter 4

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Sebastian and I walked into the undercroft and both looked around for Ominis. Once I realized it was just us to I pulled up two chairs and had us both sit down.

"I'm not entirely sure how to explain what happened down there." I admitted. "But before Fig passed away the power from the repository had absolutely no effect. But once I killed Ranrok and created the new repository that's down there right now it's like i can hear it calling to me. And it wants me to open it. It's not power I've ever had an interest in wanting. I don't like using dark magic. I don't even like using the ancient magic."

I took a deep breath, "maybe it's because I almost didn't make it down there. I was on my last leg when I did the final blow. But every time I'm close to that repository I no longer have control."

"Your eyes started to glow red." Sebastian stated. I noticed one of his legs bounced up and down really fast.

I placed my hand on it to calm him down or reassure him it's okay now. "I've heard they do that. So I think If I just never go down there again, I'll be okay."

Sebastian looked at me in disbelief. "That's it?" I nodded, "are you joking?"

"Not really? I can always kind of feel it so when I accidentally fell in the future I didn't feel it as much anymore. Then I went to America again and I really didn't feel it so I just stayed put."

I swallowed, nervous about how close I had just realized Sebastian had scooted closer to me. "Fig was dead, I thought you were on your way to Azkaban. I didn't see a point in returning." I admitted.

His rested his hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry I wasn't very good to you back then. I used you to try to help Anne."

I shook my head and shushed him, "no it's okay, I was fully aware the whole time. I wouldn't have helped if I didn't want to." He smirked at that comment.

"Wonderful, glad I was that transparent back then." I watched as his hand slid from my should and down my arm until he took my hand. "I'm very glad you are back."

I had to ask. It was eating me on the inside, "why are you so touchy suddenly?"

His face turned red and he reached up and scratched the back of his head with his free hand, "alright maybe I wasn't that transparent back then, that's good." He glanced at me smiling and could probably read how confused I was.

He sighed, his cheeks still bright red seeming to make his freckles pop more. "I mean i didn't really realize it myself until I lost you." He took both my hands and looked me in the eyes. His hazel eyes seemed to shine brightly. "I realized after you left that I had feelings for you."

My jaw hung open not really knowing how to process. "Oh." Was all that came out. I mean.. you'd say oh too if a hot British guy confessed to you.

Both our faces must have been bright red as we sat in silence, "Ava im going to apologize because I think I broke you." Sebastian joked. "I mean i absolutely don't regret telling you but you have had a long day so I understand." He just kept talking but I was still processing.

He glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room. "Uh oh. I missed my afternoon classes and dinner is going to start soon. We should go."

Still holding my hand he walked us to the gate of the undercroft then stopped and turned around fast. I jumped back a bit thinking he was going to go in for a kiss but instead he gave a guilty smile.

"I also forgot to tell you something you might find important seeing as you are back for good."

"W-What happened?" I asked finally finding my voice.

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