
11 3 0

M. Sen

I stared at the text for more than a few minutes now, "Answer already. It's not like it's a date, he just wants to hang out," said Rose.

"Yeah! But it has just been a day or two since I met him, I want to avoid hanging out with him just yet," I replied.

"Of course, but again, you gave your number to him when you had just met him."

"I was just being polite, but fair point." I softly kicked Rose.

"You ungrateful brat. I'm just trying to help you, brat." She stood up, and kicked me back. It was not powerful enough to hurt.

"Yeah, whatever!"

"Brat," she muttered under breath, and left to go to the kitchen.

After she left, I stared back at the text Ivan sent.

"Want to go to an amusement park to hang out?" the text said.

"Sure! Text me the details," I replied.

Honestly, getting close to people is extremely hard for my due to my introverted nature, and moreover, I suffer from social anxiety.

"Sure. How about today itself? It's just 8:30 in the morning, and we have plenty of time to get ready. What do you say?" Came his text.

What? Today?

"Rose? Rose?" I yelled for her. She came running through the kitchen with a bagel in her hand.

"What happened? Who died?" she asked, frantically looking around.

"Nobody died. Anyway, Ivan just texted me saying that he wants to hang out today. What do I do?" I stood up from the couch to stand in front of her. Taking her left hand that was free into mine as I pleaded.

"Just say yes. You really need to make new friends."

"You don't understand. I'm not good at making friends," I said.

"Dude, you want to be a criminologist, you will need to talk to numerous people in that job. Just hang out. You will be fine." She patted my back.

"Okay, but only because you're saying," I said, and she nodded at me.

"Okay! At 10?" After contemplating so much, I finally sent the text.

"Sounds cool. Shall I pick you up?" he asked.

"Nah! Just text me your address, I will pick you up," I said. I would rather not give him my address.

"Okay." Came in the text along with his location.

I nodded at myself before disappearing into my room.


"Hop in." I rolled down the car window, and crouched down a bit to face him. He was wearing cream-colored pants, with a brown sweater vest, paired with a matching cream-colored jacket on top with white sneakers.

I unlocked the passenger seat door as he hopped inside the car, and fastened his seatbelt.

"You look beautiful," he complimented.

I was wearing a baggy white pants, with a black top under and a white cardigan on top with white sneakers.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." He smiled at me, and stared out of the window.

We're going to Luna Park in Coney Island. It's about a 45-min drive from here.

After about an hour, giving it to the traffic for the 15-min delay, we finally reached.

We made small conversations during the drive.

Parking my car, we stepped down from the car.

"I have the tickets on my phone," he said.

"Okay. Let's get going then." Checking in, we thought it would be a good idea to grab breakfast before moving to some rides.

Normally, I don't have breakfast because I do intermittent fasting, but, as we have a long day ahead of us, so I decided to eat as well.

I ordered French toast with a mango milkshake while he ordered a hamburger with a side of fries, and an Oreo milkshake.

Soon our food arrived as we dug in.

"Want to try some of mine?" he offered.

"No, I don't eat ham," I said.

"Why not?"

"Because I never had it when I was a child, so I'm not too used to eating a variety of meat."

"Okay, I guess."

Our breakfast came to an end as we paid and made our way to the rides. We decided for roller-coaster being the first.

I'm kind of scared of heights, but it's not too bad.


It's evening now, we completed our amusement park adventure, finally. Honestly, nothing fun happened. We just rode a few rides, ate and barely made any conversations.

"Let's go to this restaurant I know, they make remarkable steak. It's on me," he offered.

I sighed, "I don't eat beef, Ivan."

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Because it goes against my religion. I'm a Hindu, and we don't do beef."

"Come on, that's bullshit. Who cares about religion anyway."

"You might not care, but I do. It's my religion and I respect it," I said, trying to make him understand.

"I have seen many Hindus eating beef. It's not that big of a deal," he argued.

"That's them. They are their person, and they ate it with their money, so I couldn't care less, and honestly, it's not our say in how people practice their religion, but I, being my person, chose to follow it."

"You're being too much," he said.

My anger was rising. I have no problem with people being atheist, it's their belief, but I will not take any bullshit from people who can't fucking respect my religion. I respect every religion, and faith, and I expect the same.

I stopped the car, "Get out."


"What? I said get out. I don't want your uneducated ass being near me. Come to me the day you finally learn to respect others' belief instead of being a jerk."

"Yeah! Whatever," he said and got off my car. Without wasting any time, I drove right away.


"So, how was your date?" asked Rose.

"He was a total jerk. He had absolutely no respect for my religion."

"What did he say?" she asked, and I explained everything to her.

I could see a mixture of disappointment and anger on her face.

"Such a jerk. I hate people who can't respect people."

"I know, right. Asshole."

I absolutely despise people like that.

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