chp. 12 Reunion

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3rd person POV:
"Wait so you're the big scary demon lord king person thingy all the demons listen too?" Y/n said furrowing her eyebrows as she some how recognized the demon lord that stood infront of her

"Yes." The demon KING answered

"I knew I recognized you omg" Y/n said remembering why she recognized Muzan

"Dont do it" Enmu said warning her while backing out of the room some how knowing what Y/n was going to say

"MICHAEL JAC-" Y/n started but was cut off by something (or perhaps someONE) slashing her in half

"I told you we shouldve stayed behind her incase she said something stupid koko dear" (wink wink*) Douma said with a sly smirk on his face

"Uhm OW??" Y/n screamed because SHE GOT CUT IN HALF WTF

"Oh dont worry dear you wont die you should regenerate" Douma said

"I hate you so much douma" Y/n said with a straight face

"I love you to-" Douma started but was cut off by Muzan interrupting the conversation they were having

"That's enough." Muzan said "Leave my presense."

"Gladly" Y/n said rolling her eyes
As Y/n was walking with Douma, and Kokoshibou, she spotted the same familiar white and green combo

"Ok what the fuc-" Y/n said now curious of who the two demons that continuously passed by her were

After hearing Y/ns outburst the duo stopped and turned to her direction

"WHAT THE FU-" Y/n shouted after coming face to face with the so called "Dead" duo, Gyutaro and Daki

"Hey you're a demon now" Daki said smiling at Y/n

"Yes, why." Gyutaro said

"Wait how are you alive?" Y/n said confused

"Mind ya buisness"

"Kill yourself."

"We should be bestfriends" Daki said to break the obvious tension between Gyutaro and Y/n

"Ooo okayy" Y/n said some how liking the idea
"But what in the world did they put me in."

"Come with me I can get you a new outfit!" Daki said excitedly before dragging Y/n by the wrist to get her a new outfit

After Y/n got her new demon outfit thing clothes or whatever she ran past Daki over to Douma for a sneak attack and kicked him in the arm causing it to fly off its socket

"Oh what the fuck" Y/n said feeling scared unaware of her new levels of strength now that she is a demon

"Wowza!" Douma said before winking at Y/n

"That's good for your ass." Y/n said while smirking at him remembering that he sliced her in half (bro played fruit ninja on her💀)

"Hit me baby one more time" Douma said while smirking

"Bet" was the only word Y/n said before she lunged towards Douma to attack him again but was cut off by Kokoshibou grabbing her by the neck

"When did you get involved" Y/n said in a scratchy voice due to the fact that SHE COULDNT BREATHE

"Question, can demons regenerate if their neck is completely obliterated?" Daki said questioning Gyutaro

"Uhm no why" Gyutaro questioned Daki

"Because Kokoshibou is strangling your girlfriend" Daki said while smirking

"One, shes not my girlfriend so dont ever say that again before I do what Kokoshibou is doing to her to you. Two-" Gyutaro started

"DAMN CALM DOWN KOKO" Daki screamed at Kokoshibou seeing a red hand mark form on Y/ns neck (see now me personally Y/n)

"What?" Kokoshibou questioned letting go of Y/n causing her to fall THROUGH THE INFINITY CASTLE

"I got it" Gyutaro said as he rushed towards Y/n to go save her from IDK FALLING TO HER DEATH??

Yes Gyutaro did save Y/n

obviously Y/n didnt expect anyone to save her so when she felt Gyutaros arms around her figure, she immediately opened her eyes and came face to face with her not yet should be but isnt actually boyfriend

"AHH WTF" Y/n screamed as she fell out of Gyutaros arms and continued to fall to her death through the infinity castle :)
Just kidding she can regenerate when she hits the ground

If she ever does hit the ground

My brothers a demon idiot he wont like you. ( Gyutaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now