Chapter 6

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Sebastian's pov

I see why Ava never liked the idea of going home for the holidays. Yes, her mom seemed sweet but it didn't seem real. And her father didn't even pretend like he was happy to see her.

"Who's the other guy?" I asked watching a man stand between Ava and her father.

Poppy, who had also been intensely watching the interaction as well, let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, that must be Marc. Her older brother. She'll be okay now. From what she would tell me before she left was that he was more of a father figure then her father."

She smiled at me, "you don't have to be jealous."

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Ava hurried back over with her brother behind her. She was definitely forcing the smile. "Ominis, did her dad say anything really hurtful?"

"Thank you for thinking I speak French." Ominis kept eating his food.

Ava sat down and gestured for Marc to do the same.

"Everyone this is Marc, he's a professor at Beauxbatons."

Marc went straight for me and held out a hand to shake. I quickly stood up a little to shake his hand. His grip around my hand was extremely tight. The look in his eyes was definitely the look you would get from a father meeting the boyfriend for the first time.

"Sebastian Sallow, sir."

"I'm fully aware."

Ava closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Something she did often when trying not to roll her eyes. "Marc." She warned.

Marc then smiled a brilliantly genuine smile. "I'm joking. It's good to meet you."

Poppy seemed to relax a little next to me. Probably thinking that Ava had the scariest family in the world for a moment.

"You must be Poppy and Ominis." He looked at Ava.

"Are you going back to work now that you know I'm not dead?" Ava asked.

As the two of them spoke I slowly extended my leg under the table. I found her foot and placed my foot next to hers. I saw her immediately freeze before quickly looking down at her plate so Marc wouldn't see her face. With my elbow on the table and my face resting in my hand I waited for her to finally look up at me.

When she finally did her face was bright red. I moved my foot a bit up and down her leg and without moving my face from my hand I used my fingers and waved at her smirking.

She stood up quickly startling her brother. "I have to get ready for class."

I started to stand to walk with her but she pointed for me to sit. "No need for a body guard today." She hurried out of the great hall leaving the rest of them confused. I did my best to hide my smile.

"She seems happier." Marc began to stand. "She's right though, I should probably go to my school and see if I still have a job."

I extended my hand again to shake his, "good to meet you again." I smiled.

"Don't be a kiss ass our parents hate that." He stated shaking my hand. Poppy chocked on her breakfast. "I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't break her heart."

"Im not planning on it."


Ava's pov

He's trying to get me in trouble isn't he? Gosh I thought I was going to explode in there. He picks that time of all times to flirt with me.

I hurried into the women's restroom and splashed cold water on my face. I looked up in the mirror and took a long breath.

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