Oopsies it happened

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Meowwwwww I felt it sliding out like a wet slip' n' side coming out my bum bum

The poo poo was as if it were minerals flowing through a meandering river 

The poo poo was so wet you could use it to make a house 

The poo poooo tickled my bum, as I squeezed it out  the wet solid was sticky to my bum so It made the journey out more rough and arousing. The juices were thick and hot like tar . I hope my toilet can take this much power.

I gripped tightly onto the seat like my pelvis depended on it as I felt the thunder like storm brewing between my cheeks. They flapped and bellowed, I pushed my cheeks together with my hands trying the stop the worldwide catastrophe that would occur. I punched it back in like wack a mole. But then it hit me the big one  was coming, the biggest one of all. It pushed through my hands , my loins were on fire, my stained hands were poopy and bloody ; OH BROTHER THIS WOULD TAKE MONTHS TO WASH OUT. The was ripping through my cheeky cheeks, it strained my buttocks , I could feel sewage worths of pee dripping out like a waterfall trying to create some kind of lube for this mighty dump.

It finally was coming through, it was like an elephant in a clown car. I cant hold the weight, I cant contain the poo anymore, I could feel it building for weeks and finally the aching pain will be over, I can finally release the poo into its natural habitat where it will be happy swimming in the wild with its friends, finally my bum bum will be free. My bum bum dropped in the bottom of the toilet, the poo was weighing me down, it slowly slid out. My eyes were popping, my veins were bulging, my teeth were crackling, my hair was falling out from the stress of the poo, my nipples . stood up. The poo was gushing out in layer and layers of sludge, my poo was trying to claw its way back In, I was trying to push him back out, he cannot be let back in, I am the gate keeper of this body and he is the outsider. 

OH LORD HE COMING I screamed while It rocketed out, poo water was bursting from its insides, it spurted urine everywhere and chunks and CHUNKS of poopy doopys . POO stains on the floor in the sink and everywhere it could reach , it squeaked and squealed as it took a great bound from my ass cheeks onto the toilet bowl. 

Finally it was over, the storm was at its end, the reign of terror was over in my insides. I could finally breathe air, all I could do was huff and puff out the doo doo air , the dump took a lot out of me. I sat back up, my legs were quaking from the loss of my poo baby, I turned around to look it straight in the eye, it glared up at me as if I had done it injustice. His corn teeth glistened in the toilet water, he frowned back at with the corn in his putrid poo poo doo doo mouth.

Then suddenly he smiled and a dark voice erupted from his core. "Oh you finally let me out, haven't you. After all those good times we had together, the time you accidentally farted my left hand out at a dinner party.And your gonna just get rid of me, flush my voluptuous curves down into the great abyss. You have no shame, Go on flush me.. Im not going to pick up a fight, GO ON DO IT. FLUSH ME LIKE YOU REALLY MEAN IT. CASTAIN ME DOWN INTO THE WATERY BEYOND OF THE SEA WHERE FISH WILL PICK AT MY ROTTING DECAYED CORPSE."

After all that, here's the flooding my eyes ,was I really doing this!? Watching my only friend down into the his grave. What kind of person was I? We could've had a family together , with a little poo daughter and a poo son and even a poo dog! But I knew that this was right I can let him live in my buttocks any longer. I shed my tears and wish him a great journey to his watery grave.

I hold the flusher and press down on it , he looks up at me with a sad gaze in his eyes , he knew this was the right thing to do. 

"At least let me have my dignity, " the poo said

no *flushes*

As he was tunnelling down the whirlpool rabbit hole of waves, he starting to purse his gunked up lips and produce a song. 

"Mi mi mi mi mi... I am the great mighty poo! And I'm going to throw my shit at you!" He began to sing as he spins around and goes in deeper into the dump? " A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish!" His voice gets fainter and he gets sucked in further ,I could only make out his final line.

"MYY BUTTTTTTTTT!!!!!>!??!??!!??!!?>>???>>?!"

His song brought me to tears as I walked away crying from the pain of it all. After all he was my mighty poo...

That one time I might've actually dumped some feces out my bum bumWhere stories live. Discover now