Chapter 5

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Yu bit back a scream as the ropes tied around pushed against her skin. She stole a glance at Ren whose face was etched with unleashed fury.

As expected the soldiers mistook them for Rong and Yuming, and she felt some ease at knowing they were safe but now what? How were they ever gonna escape? Would they even escape? Oh God, was this how she was meant to die?

Being placed under such grave threat, her previous days seemed merely like a dream and every fights and misunderstandings didn't seem as huge as they used to be.

Yu focused her gaze on her lover, hoping she'd catch his eye and maybe get a chance to tell him how much she loved him if this was their final moments.But he seemed busy fussing with his rope.

An abrupt scream left her as her hair was roughly pulled back by a thug.

"Leave her alone." Ren growled from his spot, his words falling on deaf ears.

Then a man with sharp features and heavy armour approached the scene.

"You fools! Why did you tie up our prince along with this common whore."

"He keeps fighting us, general." The crowd muttered back.

Sighing, the general spared a glance at Ren, his eyes narrowing at him. After a few minutes he seemed to agree with his soldiers as he nodded and turned his attention back on me.


"This is all your fault!" My eyes widened at his words, bracing myself incase he hits me, when suddenly Ren rolls, launching his entire frame at the creepy general.

Shocked mummers overtook the scene and taking the chance, i throw my head back, grunting at the impact as the asshole loosens his hold on my hair and i jump forward.

Just when he attempts to grab me again, a dagger pierces through his torso, blood gurgling from his mouth as he drops to ground.

"Rong." In a mere blink of an eye, the commotion is huge as Rong and Ren break into physical fight with the soldiers around them.

Trying to control my thudding heart, i duck under the men and try to slip out from the brewing battle when a sound of spark rubbing reaches my ears.

I gasp at the growing blue sparks in front of my eyes. This is it! Maybe the portal found a way to open itself again.

I turn around to call Ren but stop. We do not know if it is the right timeline, hell we don't even know if it's the right dimension. What if we end up transporting elsewhere?

Realisation strikes me as i turn to Ren but he's already glancing my way.

The moment our eyes lock, i knew he went through the same realisation as i did.

Quickly enough, Ren pulls Rong aside as we all take cover, letting the spark grow and consume the startled crowd.


"What will happen to two now?" Yuming questions, her worried look passing between Ren and I.

"We'll find a way, Yuming. Now that we know that the portal isn't entirely vanished, I'm sure we'll figure something out." I glance at Ren and he nods confirming my words.

"I hope you both reach somewhere safer, away from...all this." Ren turns to Rong.

"We will, farewell. Both of you."

With one last hug, Yuming parts away, taking her husband's hand as we watch them walk away.

Then it hits me, how him and i are finally alone and all the thoughts that occurred to me when i thought we would die rushed back.



We pause eying each other.

I swallow my dry throat, heat rushing my body as emotions swells in me.

Then Ren was on me. His lips pressed against mine, hands gathering me in his embrace and i sag in his hold in relief.

I think we needed this reminder. Of how at the end of the day, its just him and I having each other's and nothing would change that.


"Finally. They are so adorable, aren't they my love?" Yuming smiles wide, hands clutching her heart as she coos at the couple lost in each other.

It was long overdue anyway in Rong's opinions. They both were too stupid and thick skulled to see how much love they held and how they were always unconsciously drawn towards each other.

If it was up to Rong, he wouldn't let anything as ridiculous as a misunderstanding come between him and his wife. He would claim and possess her no matter what the circumstance and he was only glad his wife felt the same towards him.

Eying the delicate smile stretched upon Yuming's face, he felt in awe at how lucky he was to have this woman's love and knew he would cherish her and the family she would give him forever. After all only they mattered the most to him anyway.



I've been wanting to finish their story for so long and here we are.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed their journey as much as i did <3

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