Chapter Seven - Please Stay With Me

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The next few days were awful. Being constantly on edge definitely wasn't good for someone's mental wellbeing. Beau was constantly worried about her sister, not wanting her to be out of her sight. Thankfully Bobby was more than understanding about needing her in arms reach for the foreseeable future. Sherri was still free. Though, thankfully because of Hen, the case ended up in the hands of someone who actually gave a damn. Sgt. Athena Grant. And even though Beau wasn't the religious type, she felt that the woman was a true godsend.

It turns out that about a week ago, Sherri escaped prison with a few others during a transfer. Escaping while in transit. She's been on the run ever since. And Jean was definitely her target, it was because of her testimony that she got sentenced so harshly. Not that it wasn't deserving, but it was definitely a reason to hold a grudge. Athena knew what Sherri was after, she wanted to finished what she had started. She just hoped that she caught the bitch before that happened. Athena didn't want an innocent kid dying on her watch.

The firehouse was calm. It had been a slow day and it was nearing dinner time. Beau was in the kitchen with Bobby, helping him cook dinner for everyone. They could hear Jean and Buck laughing from the lounge area. They were playing video games together, having gotten pretty close over these last few days. It made Beau smile as she listened, her eyes focused on the cutting board in front of her as she chopped vegetables.

"Well, those two seem to be getting along." Bobby laughed softly, as Jean threw her hands up in victory.

"Yeah, I'm just grateful to hear her laughing like that."

Bobby couldn't help but worry. He and Beau had gotten kind of close in the short time she's been here. Especially after she helped him get back on his feet. And he already knew he'd be devastated if something were to happen to the kid. He looked over at her before asking, "Athena come up with any leads yet?"

Beau shook her head, a frown clear on her face, "No, not that I know of." She sighed, setting down the knife, "It's like she vanished. I'm scared that the second I let my guard down, that's when something's gonna happen."

"Well, your sister can hide out here for as long as it takes. I think everyone likes having her around anyways."

Beau smiled at the kindness she's been shown over the past week, "Thanks Bobby."

"Don't mention it, kid." Bobby gave her a warm smile. Beau liked having him around. After her father died when she was a kid, she's never had anyone to fill that void in her life. So, she found herself thinking of Bobby as a father figure. As for him, Beau was the first person (aside from a priest or two) he opened up to about what happened back in Minnesota, to his family— she didn't know it, but she was also filling a void in his life as well.

Once dinner was ready, everyone gathered around the table. It was the first night where they actually got to sit down together and eat their family dinner since Jean had been there. She definitely understood why Beau loved this place so much, everyone was so welcoming and friendly. They really were like a family.

Everyone shared pleasant conversation. The topic moving to Jean and what she's going to school for. Hen was the one to ask, "So, Jean, what are you gonna be studying?"

"Psychology. Criminal psychology to be exact." Jean answered before taking a bite of her mashed potatoes.

Bobby was the one to ask the next question, "Any job in particular you're working towards?"

"I've thought about it a lot. There's lots of things I could do with the degree, but I think I want to be a Victim's Advocate. Give people a voice when they can't get people to listen." Jean explain her reasoning, leaving the mood a bit heavy as everyone remembered Beau explaining how no one would take them seriously when everything with Sherri first started.

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