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QUIETLY, she joined his side, laying on the rocks, peering over the side, at a large building, squinting to see people. A droid had walked over, making him curse lightly, Faeyth getting the impression that he didn't like bounty droids.

"Stay here. They could be tracking you. I'll give you a signal when it's fine to come down. And I mean it, stay here," he warned, getting up from the ledge and starting to make his way over to where the droid was.

She watched for a few minutes as they talked, before more guards filed out, meaning that they were badly outnumbered, the girl getting up quickly and going to help them in any way she could. As she moved closer to them, the tug she felt the day before became harsher, this time she couldn't ignore it.

Swiftly, she jumped up onto a wall, using the force to give her a boost and pushed one of them against a wall, squeezing her hand into a fist, causing him to choke and die. Faeyth grabbed his blaster, despite it not being her preferred weapon, ducking behind a ledge and shooting the enemies on her level.

One of them snuck up behind her, it's arms wrapping around her waist, it's gun pointed at her head. She clenched her jaw, the blaster flying out of his grasp, the weapon clattering to the ground. Faeyth forced herself downwards, grabbing his ankle and pulling him down to let go of her. She shot his head.

For the few remaining enemies on her floor, she killed them easily, hitting them all with precision. Another, yellow, guard had wheeled in a machine gun, which he was rapidly firing at the pillar the Mandalorian and IG-11 were hiding behind. Internally, she panicked. Faeyth got down from her floor not so elegantly, then kicked her legs though his own, which knocked him to the floor.

She didn't even spare a glance over at her companion, who was staring at her with curiosity, before he sprinted over, hopping on the machine gun, firing at all of the guards. The man she had just tackled, yanked her down, Faeyth hitting his shoulder and pinning him down, under her arm.

While she grabbed her knife, stabbing it into his chest and pulling it out, shoving him down into the ground and standing up, the two other bounty hunters stared at her. She turned around, a little out of breath.

"I told you to stay put." That was the first thing he said to her after she literally saved his tin ass.

"I literally just saved you, I think you mean thank you," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest and wiping the blood off her beskar, from the man she had just murdered.

Before he could reply, the IG unit spoke, "Well done. I will disengage self-destruct initiative."

"You're not bad for a droid."

He helped the droid up, before it caught sight of the girl, raising his pistol again, aiming right between her eyes, making her step away, "Must terminate asset two."

The Mandalorian pushed her behind him, shielding her, standing in front of the gun, "She's with me, I'm taking her back, alive."

IG-11 lowered his weapon, Faeyth releasing the breath she had been holding and peeked out from behind his cloak. Take her back? What? Since when did he want to take her back into them?

To clear up the tension, Mando asked, "That blaster hit looks nasty. You okay?"

"Running a quick diagnostic," it said, "It has missed my central wiring harness. That is good."

He seemed to sigh, "Well, now we just need to get this door open."

They all simultaneously looked at the machine gun.

Alas, the door fell down, the trio entering the dusty room. Someone jumped out, but he was killed before he could make the first shot.

"The tracking fob is still active. My sensors indicate that there is another life form present."

Faeyth felt the tug again, turning to her left and noticing a floating crib-type thing. Cautiously, she walked toward it, gently pushing the woven fabric off it. She pressed a button, opening the doors, revealing a small...green child? It had big, round eyes and big ears, ones that filled her with familiarity.

Yoda. It reminded her of Yoda.

A sad frown tugged at her lips as memories came flooding back to her in an instant, trying to push them away as best she could, yet she couldn't tear her eyes away from the baby.

"Wait...they said fifty years old," Mando said in a confused manner.

"Species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries." It could definitely live many centuries, she thought. "Sadly we'll never know."

IG-11 started to raise it's gun (again) but Faeyth stopped it, pushing it down, her voice firmer than it had been, surprising herself at the harshness, "No."

"We'll bring him in alive," the Mandalorian agreed with the girl.

"The commission was quite specific. The asset was to be terminated."

A gunshot rang out.

She flinched.

Faeyth glanced over her shoulder, the droid's body clattering to the ground beside them. She then looked at the armoured man, who shrugged.

The Mandalorian cautiously stepped closer to the child, carefully reaching out his gloved hand. It cooed and touched his finger in it's own small hand.

Something was up with this child, she knew it.

Both of them knew it.

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