hello, again.

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It's me, I'm still alive somehow, but oh well.
I know that I haven't been posting for 3 months now.
I've been extremely busy with school, family, homework and also with my bf whom I've been with for 5 months like he says.

I sincerely apologize very deeply that I haven't been posting, no drawings nor notes about it.
And honestly, I've been trying to recover my mental and psychical health.
since lately my father's father is passing through a tough situation, that one of my uncles, the handicapped one, he's getting a divorce since his ex-wife was abusive and stuff like that, she didn't treat no one right, she even harassed, lied, and sometimes even blame things on me that I never did. 
And thanks to that little game of her, I got anger issues ever since then.

I had told my family way before this scandal had happened and never believed me, they just called me a liar at the moment, she even got to harass me and hit me too.

I wish I were lying... but the sad truth is that I'm not.

And honestly, I nearly ended my life back in February, the 17th... 3 days after valentines...

My partner, really begged me not to do so, he was really trying to help me and everything, I didn't do it. 
He cried with me; he was worried sick that he would lose me.

And I felt bad that I made him feel like that.

He hugged me so tightly that day.

That I feel grateful for that action of his...

But nowadays, I quit harming myself, I have been in process of blocking my intrusive thoughts and gain trust on the ones I had lost trust with.

Honestly, the one thing i hate is getting high, but how's that if I'm not an adult, of course, my mother had to give me anti-depressants... I honestly hate the feeling I get whenever she gives me those.

And honestly, I've been giving up on art too, my recent art is just venting art.
And also, the pressure my art teacher has been giving me and my friends.
The teacher makes art impossible to like, and it frustrates me.

But oh well, I can't just end my life over here. 

I've got to think of my future as well.

Think in big...





It would be fascinating.
I've also got to be happy! 

I got my first kiss in late February.  :]

Honestly... I'm happy that my partner... has been the only one who has treated me right...

He's also Autistic.

autism grade 1



So, to stop calling him partner I'll just shorten his name to mike.

Since it's similar to that name.

So, whenever I say Mike, I'm talking about my bf.


But yeah! Again, I highly apologize for all the inconveniences I've got in my life.




bye, bye! take care you all.

[Edit: Thank you all for 1.2K reads!]

uh.. some drawings i've made.Where stories live. Discover now