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'i find myself running home to your
sweet nothings'

sweet nothings  ~words of affection exchanged by lovers

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sweet nothings
words of affection exchanged by lovers.


colombe olivia nott
7th year

Hiding in corridors after curfew was never something I expected to do in my time at hogwarts. My aunt Pansy had said it's normal yet I just couldn't imagine myself doing anything of that sort, yet there I was running around with a boy I had only met the previous year.

Of course I had known james potter before my 6th year at hogwarts, for who hadn't, but I just didn't know him enough to say we were friends. James and I were always polite to each other whenever we came across each other because of course we would stumble across each other every so often seeing as though the both of us was awfully close to Louis. But when we really started to know each other was when we were assigned prefect duties together.

The day Mellisa (the head girl) announced that I would be paired with James Sirius Potter I was utterly confused as he was a Gryffindor and I was a Ravenclaw, I had racked my brain for endless hours to try and conjure up a reason for the pairing with the Gryffindor boy.When the Tuesday came of our first duty together, I still was yet to find an answer in my brain to the question that had been plaguing me for the days that had followed the announcement but when I began the rounds with James I completely forgot about my troublesome question and found that the rounds were peaceful, we had made light conversation with one and other and chatted about aimless things- I thought it was quite pleasant. And this feeling carried on for the rest of our time doing the rounds together.

But of course when you spend a significant amount of time with a person, you get to know them ever so well and you grow closer to them. And without even realising it I grew so very close to James Potter, we would spew random facts about ourselves to one and other as we made the rounds, when I look back I realise I shared with him things I'd never told anyone before. I learnt that James' favourite singer was a muggle artist, he told me his view of house elves and how they were as much human as us, and I in return I told him stuff about me like how my mother left me and my dad whilst I was 2 and how lonely it could be with no siblings, I also told him how I preferred the thrill of muggle London rather than Diagon Alley and how daisies were my favourite flower and how it made me upset that they don't get as much love as roses and tulips do. As we told and listened to each others sweet nothings I began to realise that we had so many opposing experiences yet so many similar views, and by the end of my 6th year I knew I was falling hard for James Potter and his stupid hair.

When our 7th year came around and myself and James were informed that we were head girl and head boy together we were overjoyed due to our blossoming friendship that had only grown since our sixth year. Now friendships are one of the most complex things to understand, many friendships don't stay friendships sometimes they develop into hate filled relationships that makes two individuals go separate ways yet other friendships develop into something more, something that allows love to blossom in all aspects of a relationship. Love can make you crazy and can make you do things that you never expect yourself to do. And falling in love with James Sirius Potter made me do something that was way out of my world yet love drove me to do it.

The day I knew I was in love with James Sirius Potter was troublesome for me to say the least.My memories throughout that day blur into one a lot of the time yet my time with James seems to be as bright as day when i look back on it.

The first day of our Hogsmeade weekends as Hogwarts students always started the same we'd go out with friends, drink butterbeer, stock up on sweets from Honeyducks, people set up dates for the following day and others decided to go partying around the village with their friends that night. Usually my friends and I would arrange a shopping day for the following day rather than go on dates but this year it was a little different. Lydia had been asked out by a Ravenclaw whose name was kept 'top-secret' as she put it and Aliyah was meeting her parents for a butterbeer or two, so it left me on my own.

I had decided to get and early start on my christmas shopping (despite it only being November )so I would go around Hogsmeade trying to find the perfect gift for all my love ones whilst the girls were doing there own thing. So there we were myself, Lydia and Aaliyah all getting ready for our day in Hogsmeade.

Hair gels, clips, perfumes, shampoos and headbands littered the bathroom counters whilst the floor was no existent due to the piles of clothes that had been discarded in the attempt to find a perfect outfit. Lydia had chosen a long beige trench coat that had big black buttons lining the edges and a cotton white dress (that she'd lent from Aaliyah), Aaliyah wore my black jeans and a dusty brown turtleneck jumper with an oversized leather jacket over the top and I picked my white and black stripped jumper along with my black skirt and Aaliyah's small black boots. The aftermath of our wardrobe frantic was quite troublesome so we cleaned and put away all our clothes back into their respected wardrobes and made our way to the village.


Shopping would forever be my favourite thing in the world, the thrill of walking round shops to find little treasures for the people you love, especially on the run up to christmas.

I remember making my way to the castle (weighed down by my many shopping bags)once I entered the castle grounds. I was planning to walk to straight to the kitchens and grab a bowl of ice cream and then take myself and the ice cream straight to my dorm and cry but James Potter managed to get in my way. watch a movie  was sitting on a bench in the courtyard in his quidditch uniform staring down at his shoes in a dismal manner. It was unusual to see James like this seeing as though he was usually bounding about smiling, laughing with his friends. i never expected to see James Potter quiet, for he was always making the most noise out of all his friends, it was almost unnerving. The sight made me wonder what could've made such a cheerful person feel so down, and of course curiosity killed the cat so I took a seat next to the boy.

"Hello Colombe," he looked up at me, with a forced smile plastered on his face.

"Hello James," I had replied with the same smile, "what's brought you here to drown in your sorrows?"

"Nothin, (he began to stretch) I'm fine thanks though Colombe, its sweet of you to ask. Are you okay," he diverted the question

"Nah but that doesn't matter, I asked about you first. You don't seem like James Potter,"

"And what does the real James Potter look like to you aye." he replied with a laugh and a questioning look on his face.

I giggle then reply saying "Well he's smiley, he's loud, he's always running  around laughing with his friends and cousins and all in all he's a loving amazing person."

"Aw Colombe you're too kind but I think if you knew the real me you wouldn't get that impression,"

"Oh really,"I question to which he responded with a quick and witty "yes really," and a smirk on his face.

"Well are you going to tell me about the real you?"I inquire.

James looks into my eyes, brown meeting blue, blue meeting brown -our eyes connected.For a brief few seconds I felt like I'd known him all my entire life, I felt like I had known James Potter forever. Perhaps we had known each other on another life and perhaps we had been great friends,perhaps we had been lovers, I wouldn't know, all I knew was we had a connection in that moment and I'd never felt that way with anyone else.

And then he whispers "maybe someday.". And he's off, off to do whatever the real James Potter does.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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