Detectives (Dick Grayson) (Angst/Spicy-ish)

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The rock clinked you threw at Dick Grayson's apartment window ricochets and hits the dumpster, before hitting the ground, once again.

"Dammit Grayson. What happened to movie night, dick?" You say, as you jump onto the dumpster, making you just barely able to reach the fire escape, and you pull it down, to get into his apartment.

You hop up onto the fire escape, and climb to his window, where you can see him asleep on his couch, open case files littering the floor, and the tv on Law and Order. You snicker, of course he's being overworked again. You knock on the window gently, telling yourself that if he doesn't wake up and open it, you'd go home, and reschedule the movie night. He shifts, before his eyes open quickly. He looks over to the window, and sees you, he moves swiftly over all the open files, being careful not to mix any of them up.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about movie night." He says, when he opens the window.

He shuffles away from the window, letting you crawl into his apartment.

"Yeah, third time this week, Dick." You say, as you move around the files, "Third time they've had you up until the crack of dawn."

Dick knows where this is going.

"Maybe if you took your vacation time, you wouldn't have this problem." You tell him as you start putting some files back together and cleaning them up, stacking them onto his coffee table.

"Not this again, Y/N, I will take my vacation, when the criminals of Bludhaven decide to take one too."

You look at him with an annoyed expression, "Richard. You need to stop over working yourself, and you need to stop letting other people over work you too." You drop a file onto the coffee table, "You need to give yourself a break. If you keep going like this, you're going to need to be hospitalized."

Dick snickers.

"What? Is this a joke to you?"

"No, it's adorable that you care." He helps you clean up some of the files.

You hit him with the file in your hand, "This isn't funny Richard! I'm serious, you're going to die if you keep going like this!"

"Yeah, uh-" Dick sits on the couch.

"Oh God. What now?" You say with an exasperated breath, "The serious shift in your tone, and the fact you're sitting down on the couch, that means something big."

Dick invites you to sit down next to him, "Just sit with me. There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"You're not dying, are you?" Your tone gets significantly more concerned.

Dick laughs a bit, "No, no, I'm not dying." He takes a deep breath in, "I'm-"

"Nightwing." You cut him off.


"You were gonna say you're Nightwing."

"No, no that's not what I was gonna say, at all, and I'm not Nightwing."

You snort, "You expect me to believe that? I mean, it's kinda obvious, you basically don't sleep, you always have a cup of coffee in hand, Nightwing is a night vigilante, hence the night in his name, you disappear, and he mysteriously appears. I mean come on, I'm not an idiot, Dick Grayson."

"That- I am not Nightwing, I mean-"

"Well then you were going to say you like me, that's the only other reason you'd be this flustered, and I mean, that's not true, we're best friends, we have been since Gotham, I mean, you aren't stupid enough to jeopardize that."

It falls silent. After a moment Dick sighs, "You got me, I'm Nightwing." He pats his legs, as he gets up off the couch and heads to the kitchen, "Juice?"

"You still got that cotton candy flavored vodka I got you as a gag last year for your birthday? That."


Dick comes back into the living room, turning off the tv after setting two shot glasses on the coffee table.

"So." He says awkwardly, "Feelings?"

You grab one of the glasses and down it.

"I see." He sits next to you again, "How did you figure it out? I mean other than those other things."

"Cassie. I mean, I had my suspicions, and I went to her for confirmation. I didn't know she'd actually know, or even tell me, for that matter, but she told me I was right, which is probably one of the only things I wanted to be wrong about."

Dick sighs, "You were right about another thing."

You turn to look at him, with a confused look, Dick glances at your lips briefly. He leans in slowly and kisses you. He pulls away.

"I'm assuming another thing you'd wish you were wrong about." He mumbles, "It's funny, because I'll go headfirst into Joker's lair, and not have a second thought, but that, that was something I've taken weeks thinking about."

You look into his eyes, "Actually, it was one of the things I was hoping I'd be right about." You grab his tie and pull him in again. He runs his hand through your hair, as you push him backward onto the couch. But he stops.

"Wait, wait, wait," He stops you, from anything else, scaring you for a second, "Work files, I need to move them."

He pushes the rest of them onto the ground, and nods. He pulls you closer, and holds your waist. You sit on top of him, and he runs one of his hands up your back, with an 'is this okay' look on his face, and you nod.

"You're a better detective than I am." He mutters in your ear, as you in to kiss him again.

You smile, "Don't feed my ego like that Grayson." You kiss him more, and everything that was bottled up for ten years emerges.

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