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The sun was at its highest as y/n got closer to te ka. She had her mind set. She was gonna get it done this time. Hopefully alive.

Te ka had seen her. The same lava balls where thrown at her. But this time. She had better speed. She got closer to the opening but te ka was fast. But there was a worry in her movement. Te ka saw y/n was faster and it stressed her. She made one bad move. Placing her hand down the water. It hurts her. That was just what y/n needed. A week point.

Te ka couldn't reach her only the lava she was trowing at her.

Y/n took a quick turn going the other way. She wanted to distract te ka. And te ka followed her just like she wanted her to do. As y/n drove as fast as she could hoping a big wave would come te ka kept trowing lava at her.

And then finally the wave came. Y/n turned as fast as she could back the way she was going before, for the opening. Te ka got distracted by the big wave coming her way as well as the quik turn y/n did again. She tripped making her hand reach down the water again.

As te ka was trying to heel her arm y/n got time to get to the opening. The big lava monster was on her way again. Y/n only got a few seconds ahead but it was hopefully good enough. Te ha was fast. Racing towards y/n, she wouldn't let the girl in.

Everything was happening so quick. Anything could happen now. Te ha was just seconds behind y/n but the girl had her sight in her mind.

Te ka balled up lava again getting ready to shot at the girl. Being sure that this one would hit her, she trowed it whit a lot of speed.

Y/n saw the lava coming towards her but she couldn't stop now. Not now. She was so close. Not again she thought.

The ball hit her in 3... 2...1... what?
Y/n looked around. Why didn't the lava hit her.


Payakan had splashed enough water towards the lava making the direction completely change.

As she looked closer she could see loak. He was on top of payakan. "Loak!?" She yelled getting the boy's attention "go!" He yelled "loak it's dangerous you can't-" she couldn't finish "y/n go!" He called. He was right. If she didn't go now the chances would never come again. So she did.

While payakan and loak where distracting te ka y/n sneaked in thru the opening. Where te fiti were laying.


She wasn't.

Where te fiti where supposed to be there was nothing. Just a deep hole under water where she used to lay.

"No no no no what?!" Y/n thought. She didn't have time for this. Loak and payakan where fighting for there life out there and now. It was all for nothing. Te fiti was gone?!. She stood a rock looking around

She looked back the loak and payakan. And te ka.

Te ka?

It hit her. Te ka wasn't trying to get them away from te fiti to get the heart to herself. Te ka was te fiti. She was only protecting herself after the sky people took her heart. Te ka had turned to her. And y/n could see the hole where the heart had been before.

"let her come to me" y/n said as the water parted. A long way towards te ka.
Y/n held up the heart. The glowing green heart. It quickly got te kas attention. The water was parted and gave te ka a way to get to y/n.
Te ka started reaching towards y/n as well as y/n walked towards her.

"I have crossed the horizon to find you"
The girl walked towards the lava monster whit a lost heart.

"I know your name"
The lost heart in her hand

"They have stolen the heart from inside you"
Te ka only got closer whit angry steps

"But this dose not define you"
A big bleach cloud surrounded te ka flushed over y/n

"This is not who you are"
Te ka stoped right infront of the girl

"You know who you are"
Y/n held up the heart. Te ka understanding that y/n is not the threat

Te ka bent down giving y/n access to where her heart used to be. Y/n slowly placed the heart back. The same glowing green the stone had started spreading over te kas body. Flowers of different colors and other plays appeared on her body.

Soon te ka was completely gone. Instead the big mighty te fiti stood in front of her opening her eyes and looking at y/n whit a smile.

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. A big smile was placed on her lips as te fiti got up on her two feet and walked pass y/n to the place she had laid before.

The water returning to its usual place grabbing y/n whit it.

Te fiti digging her hands down in the ground making the island that looked like a big rock get all kind of different plants on it as the water that was lifting y/n placed her down on a cliff.

Y/n got on her two feet and looked up at the beautiful te fiti right before the water came back trowing loak beside her, not as careful as it did whit y/n. Loak quickly got on his two feet and looked around to find y/n. A big smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm sorry about before" y/n said lovering her head. Ofc he would be mad she kissed him and then pouched him in the water. "Eh your safe that's what matters" loak said. Y/n shot her head up. He wasn't mad?

But y/n didn't get much more time to think about that. The cliff they were standing on wasn't just a cliff. It was te fitis hand. It raised until it was by her face.

Te fiti looked down at the two teenagers. She nodded her head, like she was thanking them. Her other hand hives up to her head and down doing the "I see you" sign. Y/n did the same back.

Then looking back at loak to make sure he did it back. But he was to shocked even think.
Y/n softly punched his shoulder getting him out of his trans. He looked at her confused and then he got it. He quickly did the sign back.

Te fiti placed the two Navis back on the ground as she laid down on her usual spot, to rest.

By the beach of the island where there boat. But it looked different. It had flowers all over it. Did te fiti do this? She thought.

"That was..." loak began think of a word that fits "amazing" y/n said "and you just made the water move like oh my- and then when you walked up to it. I for real thought it was over and then you just did that thing and oh my-" he gambled on. He said so much but y/n couldn't hear a word.

"Okey okey okey slow down loak" y/n said walking up to him. Loak eyes found hers quickly. He smile as one of his hands slipped around her waist pulling her closer to him as he kissed her.

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