The Kind Storm

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The storm crackles, bringing with it an icy breeze, a hint of salt, and a wish uttered in its lonesome eye. The turbulent air hisses and roars, building into a cacophony of restless wind spirits. But even those can't blow away the waft of the fresh air, and the scent of lilacs carried to me. Rain stings my cheeks, and what can only be a towering storm cloud wrings itself angrily, the sizzling crash of thunder and lightning announcing its disappointment on the world as its contents tumble down upon me in a splash of pure storm cloud. This is not the deterring damp of a fuming fog, or the angry pelting of a malicious malady in the sky, but the clear, drenching drizzle of tears that washes away your worries. Despite their discomfort and anger, the heavens drop nothing but kindness below, and you can't help but being carried away in its endless embrace.

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