Moonlit Lullaby

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Silver moonlight is cast down upon the world. It softens the edge of rocks and turns shadow into pools of unicorn tears. It pierces the forest canopy with twilight swathes that fall next to us. I'm lying with my head resting onto your shoulder. You've leaned your head onto mine, and our fingertips brush on the mossy damp surface of the forest floor. The campfire has long since given in to the night, leaving only a scattered collection of embers to wink at us from the fire pit. Still, we stay like this, watching the enchanting gleam of the moon among the treetops, enjoying the simple pleasure of our nearness. 

"Can I ask you something?" you say quietly. Your shoulders are warm and I'm content with silence, but I oblige you.


You turn to look down at me, and the tips of your hair tickle my cheek. 

"Why me?" you ask, your features hidden by your long mane.

"Why not you?" I say back, still grinning contentedly at the stars.

You consider this.

"No, seriously John. Why me? you know I'm nothing special...don't you...?" You hesitate then, and I find myself moving to a sitting position, my mouth falling into an O of pure surprise. "Not that this hasn't been lovely, but why choose me?"

I almost laugh, but stop short. Wow. A pleasant chill runs along my spine, and I grin despite myself and lean in, my voice a whisper meant to run down yours in the same way. 

"Oh, Alice," I whisper, pulling your hair out of your face to find your gleaming eyes in the darkness and peer intently into them. "It's because I love you." 

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