Chapter 1

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It was an average Sunday morning for Steve, the sun was out, the skies were a vibrant blue and the air was nice and crisp. About an hour ago one of Steve's mates Pete had called asking him to come into the studio to re-record some of his guitar parts for the upcoming album Selling England by The Pound, Steve reluctantly agreed. While he did absolutely love playing his guitar and making music he really hated the fact he had to relinquish his Sunday to his job. So much for having the day off he thought to himself.

Steve takes a quick glance at his kitchen clock then sighs. "I should probably get going," he thinks to himself. After letting out a long aspirated sigh Steve gets up from the kitchen table and dumps the rest of his breakfast into the dumpster. He walks over to the closet and finds his shoes and his coat. After putting on his shoes he walks over to his office to grab his guitar. "If i'm going to the studio i'll probably need to bring this, Tony wouldn't be too happy if I left it." Steve places his guitar into its case and carries it to his front door. He then reaches into his pocket to grab his keys and exits his home. It would be the last time he sees it for a long while...

Steve walks down the front steps of his flat in a zombie-like state. "Out of all days to call me to re-record my parts why today". As the disgruntled steve approaches his car he notices a strange letter on his windshield. He quickly loads his guitar into his car's trunk and rushes over to see what the mysterious note says. He picks up the piece of crinkly paper with his right hand and proceeds to look over it. "Meet me at the alley behind the recording studio before you go in for the day, -Mike" Steve stood next to his car, puzzled. "When did Mike put this here? And why didn't he just come tell me himself?" Steve quickly hops in his car anxious to find out what his friend Mike could want from him. As he drove off Steve started to really think about how strange all of this was. He was dumbfounded. What could possibly be so important about this? The guitarist pondered this lingering thought the entire car ride, almost running 2 red lights in the process. Steve finally approaches the studio parking lot. He parks his car and goes to grab his guitar from the trunk when he notices something really odd... He was the only one here. Perhaps he was just early? Or maybe The others forgot. Steve walked to the front door of the studio guitar in hand anxiously. He's not sure why but he has a bad feeling about all of this. He goes to pull on the door handle but it's unfortunately locked. "This is really strange," he mutters under his breath.

He quietly stood there for almost 2 minutes waiting for someone else to come open the door when He remembered the note Mike left for him. "I guess I should see if Mike is in the alley way" Steve walked back down the studio steps and made his way around the brick building to the back. He arrives by the dumpster in the back and stops dead in his tracks. There he was. His friend Mike. and right next to Mike was his worst enemy Tony. Steve looks at the pair confused. The keyboardist whispers something to Mike and then looks at Steve. Tony opens his mouth to speak. "Stephen... You must be wondering why we asked you to meet us here." Steve, now scared for his life, doesn't say a word back. "Mike grab the bag" The lanky bass player pulls an old cloth bag out of his pocket and starts to make his way towards Steve. He stands there unsure of what to do. Does he make a run for it? Does he fight his friend? Deep in thought he doesn't realize the looming shadow behind him until it's too late. WHACK!!! Steve falls to the floor now unconscious and Mike ties the bag over his friend's head. "Tony, do we really have to do this?" Tony gives Mike his signature bitch glare "Silence Michael. This needs to be done" Mike sighs and looks over to the other figure who appeared to hit Steve in the head with a metal pipe. "Phil... I cant believe youre doing this too" Phil looks at Mike and sighs "I didn't want to Mike but Tony made me" just then Tony speaks up. "Will you two fools help me load Steve into the trunk? We have to take him to the place before he wakes up. Mike and Phil reluctantly agree and help Tony pick the guitarist and load him into Peter's car. The boys swiftly shove Steve into the trunk and hop into the vehicle. Tony glances at Peter who is behind the wheel and tells him to go. Peter quickly puts the car in drive and speeds onto the busy street. Nobody else on the road suspects a thing.

Hours pass and Steve finally wakes up, hands and feet tied. He's unsure of what's happened or even where he's at. It's still dark out, but it seems as if he's been dumped outside somewhere. Steve can feel the cool night air blow past his body. It's quite chilly out tonight. Steve then remembers the events that recently took place and immediately feels betrayed. "Mike.. how could he do this to me" "why did they do this to me" a single tear starts to form on the corner of the guitarist's blue eye. The ones he trusted the most have betrayed him and left him stranded in a strange place. Steve mustered up the strength and sat himself up despite being tied up still. It was then he noticed that he must be on the side of a highway somewhere. He then saw... it... the large sign above him. Steve's face went a pale white as he read the white and red letters on the big blue sign. He could not believe it. The words. He knew exactly where he was now. There was no way out of here. Not a single person has gone here and come back alive. Steve started to feel sick. In shock He passed out, and hit his head on the grass below. Right under the sign that read "Welcome to Ohio"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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