Your hands clasp the now crushed flower in your hand as you walk with the others. Your brother rushes past you, nearly knocking you down as he tries to keep up with Lo'ak.

"Come on, we're gonna leave you! if you don't hurry up!" he calls out as he runs ahead.

Sighing you smile and jog to catch up, dropping the now crushed flower to the forest floor. The sound of the insects buzzing, and animals distracts you, and you walk face-first into Lo'ak, "What is that?" he questions as Kiri walks forward.

Standing on your tip toes, you try to see past them but to no avail, "What's what? I can't see!"

Lo'ak walks forward and you follow after, your mouth opening in a gasp when you see what lies on the forest floor. A large footprint was imprinted in the mud.

"It's way too big for a human," he whispers as he crouches down to observe it.

"Avatars?" your brother questions as he joins Lo'ak.

"Maybe..." he trails off, "but they're for sure not ours."

You slowly walk after them as Kiri stands, "What are you doing?"

"Tracking," Lo'ak shushes her as his eyes flick back and forth across the ground.

After following Lo'ak and your brother for a moment he puts out his hand to stop you and Kiri.

"We are never supposed to come here," she comments as you look over his shoulder, and feel your blood run cold.

At least three Avatars were walking around the long abandoned and forgotten trailer as they talked in hushed tones.

"Dad is going to ground you," Kiri says her voice dripping with sarcasm, "For life."

"Let's go," Lo'ak whispers, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stalks forward with your brother in tow.

Groaning you grab his arm, "No, what if they see you?"

Pushing your hand away Lo'ak ignores your plea and continues to the clearing.

Lo'ak draws his bow as he peeks through the leaves of a tree, watching as the avatars move, seeming to scout the area.

"Bro," Spider whispers, his voice full of awe, "that's where your dad and my dad..." he trails off and turns to face Lo'ak, "fought."

Lo'ak's eyes widen as he looks closer at the clearing, "That's your dad's actual suit!"

"Holy shit."

You grab the small knife from your waist and hold it in front of yourself as you move towards them, "We need to go. Now," your voice is stern and cold as you glance over at the avatars, one with a familiarity that you just can't place.

"I gotta call this in," Lo'ak whispers as he turns to follow you back to Kiri and Tuk.

Your brother rushes after him hissing under his breath not to be overheard by the intruders at the old shack, "No bro we're gonna get in trouble!"

Your hands tremble slightly as you sheathe your knife, not seeing much of use for it now as Lo'ak tapped his communicator, "Devil Dog, Devil Dog. This is Eagle Eye, over."

You can't help but giggle a bit at the code names. Sure it was supposed to be serious so that if anyone hacked the comms or got a hold of one, information wouldn't be leaked but you still found it a bit silly.

"I got eyes on some guys. They look like avatars, but they're in full camo and carrying ARs. There's six of them, over."

You can hear the frustration in Jake's voice as he asks your location and Lo'ak responds, "We're at the old shack."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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