Golden Bells and White Gowns

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Y/n paced back and forth in the church, waiting for his nerves to calm down. His friends, Michael and Henry, sat on the benches watching him do so. With a groan, Michael finally stood up.

"Take a minute to breathe, man! Take a seat and breathe. You're worried over nothing."

Taking a seat on the nearby couch, Y/n asks, "I know, I know. I just...I can't help it. Old habits die hard."

"You'll be just fine, Y/n. You're about to marry the most beautiful woman I've ever met. You've both been dating since high school. Most high school relationships don't even last two years. You should consider yourself lucky."

Y/n sat there, thinking about it. His heart rate slowly calming as his lips slowly etched into a smile.

It had been a while since the young man was so nervous. Not since he'd first gotten together with Silver.

His nerves went wild as he patiently stood at the altar, waiting for his beloved to enter and walk down the aisle. Her parents passed when she was young. They'd gotten into a car crash, and with no other close relatives to send her to, she was placed into foster care.

Jumping from house to house until one fateful day, she'd found a caring family willing to adopt her.

The priest at the altar watched Y/n take small glances at the empty doorway, his foot tapping rapidly against the red carpet. Smirking at the boy who was beyond in love with the woman.

Silver's POV

I stood in the dressing room, tidying up a bit. My father stood outside, waiting for me. He'd be walking me down the aisle. I wish my father was here. I can only hope they can see me, wherever they are. I still miss them.

I hadn't noticed mom place a hand on my shoulder.

"Thinking about your birth parents?"

I grimaced, she saw right through me. I didn't deny it, and so nodded in affirmation.

"I know what it's like. I got lucky too. My older sister decided to take me into her home. She'd already had six kids at the time. I was...lost for a while. Felt...unwelcome."

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"I feared I was intruding."

"What happened?"

"My sister and her husband sat me down one night and told me all that I needed to know. It was rather...dramatic."

I giggled.

"When I met your father, he was a rascal. A delinquent in a suit. Pegged his heart in high school. At 17, I got pregnant. He sat me down when I told him. I could see it all in his eyes. We kept him, our little Oswald. After high school, we married and tried to continue our college life. We partied when we could asking my sister to babysit.  I can still remember how your father felt when he stood at the altar, stuttering and feeling undeserving of me. Our vows...gosh...he really outdid me then."

"Do you think Y/n is the same way?"

"Oh, I know he is. He was so nervous when he asked your father for your hand. Thomas almost said no. Though, his politeness won out."

I smiled, Y/n's polite way of talking, his manners are one of the things I like about him the most.

When everything was ready, I left the roomand took my dad's arm in mine.

No One's POV

When the organ began to play, Y/n's anxiety soared.  The priest smiled warmly and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Turning to the priest, Y/n heard him say, "It'll be just fine."

When the groom saw his bride, his heart skipped a beat. He'd never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. Her white dress excentuated her form along her waist, the white bringing out her deep icy blue eyes.

As she approached the altar, she watched her fianceé shake with nervousness. She knew she'd be happy with him. As she drew closer and closer to him, she smiled softly. Upon reaching the altar, Silver turned to her husband to be. Then, the priest began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of this young couple in holy matrimony. The love of the young and eager is one of the many beautiful things we are able to see in our lifetime. To see a pair of individuals so deeply in love that they decide to make the greatest commitment to one another, in body, mind, and soul, is a rarity."

The priest then turns to the young couple and offers a smile. Turning back to one another, the two smile, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Y/n, since the day that I met you, my life has taken the strangest of turns. From delinquent to...a respectable peer. Someone everyone comes to for questions. I never thought anyone could ever really make me happy, but came right along to change that. Without you...I would not even be here today. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. I am grateful for everything you've ever given me. Your love and support has kept me going even at times that I wanted to stop caring and let go. I love you so, so much. I want to be there for you as much as you've been there for me, whether you're sick or just sad and need someone to talk to. I can't live without your handsome smile and your deep ocean blue eyes. You are the only thing I really have worth anything."

Y/n stared at his bride, his eyes filling with light tears.

At first, Y/n struggled, not knowing how to respond. Though eventually, it came out.

"When I met were an enigma. A mystery. Your clothing choices were questionable, but... they drew from me a reaction I never thought possible. It felt as though I was a stag, waiting to mount its prize, only...deciding to wait...patiently. Not knowing how to approach you with my...question. Until that day. When you stole my heart in the best way possible. I've never felt my heart race as it does every second you're near. When your fingers touch my skin, shivers move up my spine. You make me feel...complete, as though I were an unfinished puzzle simply waiting for the very last piece to fall into the empty space. Of everyone in this room, I love you the most. I will always be here for you, for good or worse. Whether you're sick, or healthy, in the best possible way I can. I want to be there for you when you need me the most. You're the only woman I can ever see myself having children with, if you'll let me, of course."

The room was quickly filled with chuckles and giggles.

"I know that we can face everything together and come out on top. Loyalty to one another and ourselves."

Smiling, the priest gestured to the ring-bearer, who in turn carried the two unique rings up to the the couple.

Taking each ring into their hands, they place them on each other's ring finger, repeating, "with this ring, I thee wed."

"If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Turning to the bride and groom, the priest said, "I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

It was sudden, but the moment their lips locked, fireworks exploded within their minds. Looking at the bouquet, she smirked deviously and threw it up into the air where it landed in her brother's lap.

As soon as they left the church, Y/n turned to Silver, holding her close by her hip and said, "a new chapter has opened."

And Silver answered, "in pages yet unwritten."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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