Part 3

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The Story Of Dagger Part 3

:) Beanie Baby Books :) By Heidi. L.Bretzin :) Distributed By Heidi :)

:) Rated ML Medium Language :) The Story Of Dagger Part 3 :)

Dagger: Whew! I thought that this fight would never end.

?????: Yea, but its bad enough that Smithy doubled our hours.

Dagger: Well, look on the bright side! At least we don't have to spend a couple of nights in...

Both: The Smithy Detention Room!

?????: (Shivers) I sure hope I don't go in The Smithy Detention Room ...

Dagger: (Secretly Shivers A Bit) I'm not afraid of The Smithy Detention Room!

?????: Yeah right!

Dagger: Did you have to spend a couple of nights in Smithy's Room?! NO!! I HAD to spend a couple of nights In SMITHY'S ROOM!!!

?????: I don't think I remember...

Dagger: That's because you didn't go there yet!! I remember perfectly! That's because when I said he snores, he really did snore when I was there!

?????: (Snores fake) Excuse me, I must've fallen asleep!

Dagger: Why you!! *Punches Her*

?????: OUCH! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!!!!!!

Somewhat Boss Music Comes On


Dagger: You make me so mad; I wish there wasn't such thing as YOU, AND the factory!!!!!!!!!

?????: ??!!!

(Factory Workers look at her)


?????: (Shivers Ferociously) I said it!!

Dagger: (Whispers) what do you think you are doing!? Taking my place or something!!??

?????: (Whispers back) being a good friend...

Dagger: "..."

Smithy: Come here!

?????: "..."

Smithy: Come with me...

Smithy & Her Friend Disappear...

Dagger: (Sobs...) What have I done!? Ruining my friend's life?! I might as well run away...

Shayly: Hi! I'm new here! My name is Shayly! But you can call me Shay. May I come with you?

Dagger: Uh, okay? ...

Shay: Thanks! I'd be glad to come with you!

Dagger: Shhh!! You have to be quiet!

Shay: Allright lets go.

Narrator: Dagger and Shayly adventures about playing tricks on close-by towns. Shayly and Dagger are going to be friends for life.

Dagger: Hey Shay! See that town over there!?

Shay: Yea! I see it, Dagger!

Dagger: I heard that there is a pretty princess who lived there, but disappeared and didn't come back!

Shay: Really!?

Dagger: Yea! Hey! Lets go spy around that little town!

Shay: Careful Dagger, there's a castle in that town!

Dagger: It's not like it'll shoot at us!

Shay: Yeah, but if they see us, wham! They'll be shooting arrows at us!

Dagger: Yeah, that makes sense, but... Hey look over there! Aren't those rags? We can dress up in them!

Shay: Hey that's right! Good idea, Dagger!

Dagger: Yes! If we can make it... Yes! We can make it.

Shay: Got em', now... Let's cause havoc!

Dagger: (Speaking in a shaky voice) Can you spare a bed?

Townsperson: Uh... Ok, you're a friend too?

Dagger: (Still speaking in a shaky voice) She can't talk, but she'd love to, young man.

Townsperson: Ok, come with me.

(When they were in the house)

Dagger: (Throws open her cloak) Surprise!! It's Moi! Dagger!! AHHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Townsperson: AHHHHH!!!!!!!

(After they were done haunting people)

Shay: Hey Dagger, how old are you?

Dagger: I'm 11 years old.

Shay: How old were you when you came to the factory?

Dagger: 5 years old.

Shay: How old were you BEFORE you came to the factory?

Dagger: Well I was 4 years old, but one year later, when I found the factory, I was snatched by Mack or one of the Smithies.

Shay: Oh so that means that you were four before you came to the factory.

Dagger: Yes.

Shay: When were you born?

Dagger "..." Hmmmm... June 15 1863.

Shay: I am born the same month and day, but I was born 1867.

Dagger: Oh so you are four years younger then I.

Shay: Yep, I'm the youngest of the Factory Workers.

Dagger: Hmmmm. I'm the 15th of the old ones.

Shay: What does that mean?

Dagger: That means I'm the 15th older one.

Shay: Oh.

Dagger: Hey Shayly do you ever get tired of working in the same place everyday and not get fired?

The Story of DaggerWhere stories live. Discover now