The fight

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Alfred and Matthew sat next to each other, per usual, as the meeting around them was filled with yells from almost every country except from Russia and the nordics who seemed to be in a staring contest with each other. This happens a lot as these meeting had like one hour of actual meeting work done then two hours of chaos. Matthew -who was the older of the twins- was trying to keep a unmediated ADHD teenager from running around or trying to some how see if he could fit his whole phone in his mouth.

Germany or Ludwig sighed rubbing his head "SHUT UP!" He said in a thick German accent and the meeting slowly started to calm down, Ludwig sighed "it's time to go, see you all next month" he said and everyone stood up grabbing their things, Matthew slapping Alfred slightly as he tried to take back his phone "oh come on the hero needs his phone" Alfred whined in his soft, quiet voice making a pouty face. Matthew rolled his eyes and shook his head before putting the phone with a 'childish' phone case in his pocket "you can get it back when you're not acting dumb" he said picking up his bag and walking to the door though they stopped when they heard France "so you're never giving his phone back" he said in a thick accent and Matthew felt his eye twitch slightly.

Alfred always got picked on and made fun of or laughed at, though it hurt Alfred always said that he was fine and that Mathew didn't need to get involved but when you see you baby brother sob and cry after every meeting, see him with blood soaking through his sleeve's, when you hear him believing everything that was told to him. You'd be pissed off too.

Alfred pulled a smile and rolled his eyes "i can be smart!" He said in a loud voice that always hurt his throat, England or Arthur scoffed "sure you can, you have never been smart" he said and Matthew's hand twitched as he tried not to punch their old caretaker in the face "i am to smart!" Alfred said back and soon Francis(France), Arthur, Alfred, and Matthew where all arguing with each other. They were the last ones in the room when Francis had made his comment so they didn't much care about what was said or if people would over hear.

Arthur and Alfred where yelling at each other when Arthur yelled "god! I wish i never found you in the first place! Maybe i should have left you with those savages!" Alfred paused before his blue eyes filled with tears and he ran out the room pushing past the nordics that he didn't give a second glance to "YOU HEARTLESS BITCH! MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT US BECAUSE AT LEAST THEN WE WOULD BE HAPPY!" Matthew yelled back, his eyes also watering, before chasing after his brother.

A few minutes before

The Nordic's consisted of Iceland, also known as Emil, Norway, also known as Lukas, Denmark, also known as Matthias, Sweden, also known as Berwald, then Finland, also known as Tino. As of right now they were watching each other trying to see who would break eye contact first, Matthias looked up at someone then immediately wined realizing he looked away frist "SHUT UP!" Germany yelled causing all the nordics to look at him and all of them to lose the game  "it's time to go, see you all next month" he said with a heavy sigh before everyone started to quickly leave, so quickly that when the nordics where half way down the hall "shit! I left my bag!" Matthias said and turned to go back, the others following groaning at his forgetfulness.

They got close to the door only to hear yelling on the other side "how would you know if I was smart or not!? You were never around!" They heard and quickly recognized it to be Alfred "sorry I was busy! We all can't just sit around!" Said another knowing it as Arthur's "he isn't lazy! If you'd open your-" Mathew's voice was cut off by Francis "don't stand up for him! He act's like a child!" Yelling got louder and the nordics couldn't but feel like this wasn't their business but at the same time they felt sympathy for the twins in the room, one yell, one saying cut threw the air and the family outside the door sucked in a breath and felt both sadness and anger at the older's in the room. The doors busted open and  a blur of navy green, and golden hair run past with the sound of someone trying to hold in tears "YOU HEARTLESS BITCH! MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT US BECAUSE AT LEAST THEN WE WOULD BE HAPPY!" they heard making them all jump back a bit before seeing another person run out the room.

They looked in to see Francis looking at Arthur like he was crazy "why would you say that?!" He asked pointing a finger at the Brit "well sometime I do wish I never found him! His a brat!" He said back and the French man scoffed "toi idiot!, you don't tell him that! Yes he can be a baby and lazy sometimes but that's no reason to say that!" He said, the nordics felt their anger rise at the insults but thought that at least he was trying to stick up for Alfred in some way "whatever! He'll get over we both know he will!" Arthur said before stomping out the door that the nordics hid behind not feeling like being questioned, Francis followed after him seeming to drop it and agree that the blue eyed boy could get over it. 

They stood there for a bit before Tino started to go off, as one of the parents of the nordics he was out raged that the French man and Brit could talk such a way about two kids "kuinka he kehtaavat!alfred ja mathew ovat lapsia! VAUVAN! verrattuna kaikkiin muihin!" The family backed up a bit not wanting to be the target of the smaller but older's wrath "yes they are children compared to some, and Arthur and Francis are meant to be, what? Their dad's? Older brother's. How could they say something like that to them!?" Berwald said agreeing with Tino, Matthias sighed feeling his heart ache "I mean..I knew they had issues, but I didn't think it was that bad" he said and Finland looked at him for a second "poikani, what do you mean?" He asked and Matthias sucked in a breath like the question burned him.

"This isn't their first fight"


Wow a whole chapter! Anyways I'm not doing accents because then it would take ages to get a chapter out also anything in another language can be put into google translate. That's also why I apologize if you do speak the language and I miss spelled something.

I hope to see you next chapter, also while you wait you can read one of my other books. I have three one of them is an original idea and isn't part of any fandom but the other two are from the DSMP or dreamSMP if you're a fan of that I ask that you go check it out. 

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