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Everything was silent other than the ticks of the clock every second and the sounds of people tapping their pencils on their desks. I had already turned in my AP calculus test five minutes ago and people where still working. I got out my phone and saw multiple texts from Liam Everett. Of course he would be texting me, out of all people he would be the one to text me in the middle of a test. As I was reading the all too familiar messages of him sarcastically wishing me good luck on my calc test, as if I needed it, a crumpled piece of paper distractingly landed on my desk. I looked around to try and figure out who had thrown it as I was opening the paper up. It read,

Meet me in the library after this class
-<3 Lils

Ahhhhh of course, it was Lillian. My best friend since the third grade. We had been inseparable ever since she chased off some dickhead fifth graders who were making fun of me. Lillian was the girl I would die to look like, long wavy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and the perfect hourglass body. What more could a girl want? Good grades. That's about all I wanted, to look like my best friend and the best grades which was kind of difficult considering my academic rival of nine years. Liam Everett. In third grade, our entire class had a poem contest. Obviously I had to participate, and apparently so did he. I was sure I was going to win the prize of extra recess time but Liam had other plans. No, he didn't cheat like your probably thinking, although that would probably feel better than what had happened. I wrote my poem about my parents and my situation with them but the judges liked Liam's poem about birds and trees more. I know, pathetic. Ever since that fated day in the third grade, me and Liam have been at each others throats. At least it has been motivating me to be better than I ever could've been without him pushing me. I hate him with the burning passion of a million suns and nothing could ever change that. I think.

Yanking me out of my thoughts the teacher said the testing period is over. The room then erupted in sound as people started talking to their friends and waiting for the bell to ring to go to lunch. I walked over to Lils as she was standing up.

"Why'd you need me to go to the library after class?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"I can't tell you in here, just follow me," She forced out in between giggles as the bell rung loudly signaling the end of class.

We walked through the busy hallways towards the library so Lillian could tell me whatever it was she needed to tell me. Once we got to the school library we headed towards our spot in the library and we're met by our other friends, Cara and Elijah.

"Hey guys!" Cara said enthusiastically. Elijah just waved as he was the newest addition to our group and still a little shy.

"HI CARA, HI ELIJAH!" Lils practically screamed as she ran up to give them a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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