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One day we were in love and the next day we weren't.



Maybe the reason why our story is tragic is that we mistook infatuation for love.



The thing we have all noticed in our lives is that we are all different. Even if our body is made up of bones, the shape and size of our bones are different from each other. It's the same with thoughts and behaviour.

Not all the choices a person makes defy them. Nobody is perfect. We are bound to screw up at some point or another. We all do it because of our own personal reasons. It's the same with the characters in this book; they aren't perfect, nor will they try to be. Because they know that it's okay to have flaws. And it's okay for you not to be perfect and screw up from time to time. That's how you learn better, from your mistakes. All the mistakes you make, shape you into a better person. Most importantly, keep in mind that you'll fall in and out of love a few times. It's bound to happen.

Also, this book contains mature content. Please don't read it if it's uncomfortable.

I hope you enjoy this book. All my love.



To all the people who feel like they aren't enough. You are enough and if people tell you that you aren't, then you're on the right track.

(And to that hazel-eyed boy who broke my heart; this is mostly written for you.)


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