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Saeema's pov

I tried my best to let go of ummi's grip but it was too strong she had already began to pierce her nails into my wrist I screamed and tried harder, when I bit her hand she finally let go and screamed she landed a slap on my face and I screamed I was tired off all the shit she had done to me I pushed her hard and she fell to the floor.

Saeema are you crazy I'm your mother how dare you push me

No ummi you were never my mother you always acted like the world revolves around amnah I hate both you and amnah
Get out of here

Saeema, what going on what happened to amnah please someone tell me I can't bare this, ( I began to have heavy breaths then I ran to the room the get my inhaler)

You think you can have this yusrah huh?

Amnah I thought locked you somewhere

Oh shut up you dirty brat I will make sure I kill you today

Amnah please I'm begging you give me back my inhaler please

Oh no no no it's not that easy you have to catch it, now cause of you dad hates me, are you happy? No yusrah are you, you took everything from me and now it's time for revenge.

Just as amnah wanted to hit yusra with an iron stick Hannah jumped in and hit her on her head with a vase amnah fell on the floor and fainted

Oh no, jannah what have you done quick let's check if her head is bleeding or not please

Ok yusrah I'm sorry I was just trying to protect you

Thank you so Much for standing up for me heaven knows if ( heavy breathes) if-if ( yusrah collapses on the floor)

Yusrah!! Yusrah!!! Yusrahhh!!!! Dan Allah yusrah ki tashi yusrah, yusrah oh god no no no,saeema!! Come saeema.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter hope you like it I'll try my best to make them longer 💋💋💋💋

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