Home visit

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A couple of days had passed until the brightness of the sun woke me up almost immediately as I sat up abruptly. I yanked my phone off charge as I went to see what time it was, but I was Instantly distracted by the text on my phone. It was from my mum.

"Sorry I have seen so vacant the past year, but I've met someone, I think you would really like him. We met in Amsterdam and haven't looked back since, there is 2 more years left on the lease for you if you decide to stay in America, if not give me a call and you can come back to England with me and Pascal, all my love mum x"

I've never been more disappointed in my life. My mind stared running haywire as I started to think the worst. Maybe I wasn't good enough for her to come back, maybe she just doesn't want me anymore, maybe she blames me for Dad and Cara's death. I pondered this all day and all evening. I stared at that message until the writing went blurry and my battery died.

I woke up the next morning sick to my stomach. I didn't bother trying today, what's the point when you don't know up from down. I needed time to think, I needed answers, I needed my mum. The thought of going to school weighed on me. How can something to insignificant as school compare to my problems right now? They couldn't. So I called in sick the rest of the week. I sat alone thinking and wondering 'what if'. But I never got an answer I just ended up with more questions then I knew what to do with.

-Theo's POV

I expected to see Clementine on Monday but she was nowhere to be seen, I was worried but she might of been sick or maybe she didn't feel like coming into my class, I would understand why, I pushed to hard and it made her uncomfortable. I should have never shouted at him and touched her hand. What was I thinking? Tuesday was the same thoughts, was it something I did, I needed to know, I was worried and I wanted to know if she was okay, I could handle her hating me but I couldn't handle her not being okay. A whole week passed and I was concerned. I knew I shouldn't do this but I did.

-Clementine POV

I had a knock on the door on Friday evening around 5pm. I was dressed in my joggers and I had my hair in a bun, effortless look today I thought. The house was pretty much a mess and there hadn't been direct sunlight in the living room for what seemed like forever now. I opened the door hesitantly. Then I saw him, the most gorgeous man stood in front of me. At my house.

"Mr Holden?" I questioned, hesitantly I opened the door a crack.

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