Chapter 38

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“Grace!” Cecil called. “There’s someone here for you!”

I went up to the door to see an older man holding an envelope. I didn’t recognize him. The thought occurred to me that he might be a postman. He flashed me a smile.

“Grace?” He asked.

I nodded, and he handed me the envelope. “I got some mail for you.” He said.

I nodded, muttered a thank you and went upstairs. I went to my room, locking the door behind me again. I turned the envelope around in my hands. What could this be? I thought. I gently opened the seal and pulled out a letter.

Dear Grace, it said.

If you have this letter, it means that I have died, probably from an experiment killing me. Inside the envelope are papers like your birth certificate, family history, etc. Since I’m dead anyway, I figured you might as well know who you really are!


Dr. Dylan Farrows

I nearly cried out in shock. My real identity? My real name? My real life? All gentleness aside, I ripped open the envelope, grabbing the papers inside. I rustled through them, trying to find out everything I could. After a moment, I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I had plenty of time to go through the papers. I put them down, and grabbed the one on the top. The birth certificate. I read over the name. It said Grace White on it. Parents: Felicia Watson and Gregory White.

I put down the paper. So Grace was my real name anyway. I picked up the next paper. It had my picture, listed my date of birth, my address...everything. I looked at the picture first. I nearly fell off my bed. The picture was the same girl from the memories that had happened at lunch! I kept reading. Birthday, Age, Address, Family, Relationship Status...I thought back to the boy in the memory. So that was my fiancée.

I sighed and reached for the next thing, a bag. I opened it and turned it upside-down. A ring fell out. The ring from the memory. I put it down neatly and stared at all of it. I couldn’t make sense of it, and I didn’t know what to do! Should I go to the address and see if they still live there? I thought. No! I argued with myself. They probably think I’m dead! I couldn’t decide, so I decided to go to the one person I trusted enough to help me make a decision.

“Grey?” I called, knocking on his bedroom door.

I heard shuffling, and the door opened. “Grace?” He mumbled. “Come on in!”

I followed him in, and sat down beside him on his bed. He turned the lights on, and cleaned up a bit before he was actually ready to listen to what I needed to say.

“What is it Grace?” He asked.

I took a deep breath and told him the whole story. “I’m so confused!” I said. “I don’t know what I should do! You need to help me!”

He nodded. “Okay, Grace.” He said quietly. “I’ll help you make a decision okay?”

I nodded and left him to think. I knew it was risky to ask him to help. Since he loved me, he might tell me to stay so that I wouldn’t go back to my fiancée. He may let his personal feelings get in the way. It was a risk I needed to take though. I couldn’t decide on my own, and the only person I trusted enough to tell was Grey. The only thing to do was wait for him to reach a decision, and then to discuss it later.

I cleaned up the papers on my bed, and put the ring down on a table gently. It was up to Grey whether or not I would try to face my past.

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