Chapter 9

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I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms in the air while yawning. Blinking and rubbing my eyes I looked at Poppy's bed to see she was already gone. I blinked again before looking at the small calendar pinned on the wall on the side of her bed.

Todays date was circled multiple times in red.

Ava's 18th birthday!!!!

I let out a groan and tried to roll back over and fall back asleep but as I did Poppy was standing there in her tournament uniform already holding a wrapped box in her hands.

"Ah!" I yelled startled and falling off the other side of the bed. I hit my head on the stone floor and hissed at the pain.

Laughing she put the present on the bed and ran to the other side of the bed to help me up. "Happy birthday!" She cheered. "Sorry about scaring you. I thought you saw me." She put the gift in my hands. "Open it."

I rolled my eyes and opened the top to see a small stuffed animal that kinda looked like a niffler maybe.

"Oh Poppy.... What is it?"

"It's a badger! Like our house animal. I made it myself."

"I love it! It's so cute!"

Poppy smiled. "It's so good to celebrate your birthday and actually have you be here. What did you do while you were away for your birthday?"

I  shrugged, thinking back to my tiny apartment in New York. Just me sitting alone with a slice of cake from a bakery that Newt swore by. I never told Newt my birthday so he was never there. Last year I felt especially lonely so I had put up a few yellow decorations trying to make the small living room seem more like home.

"Nothing particularly exciting." I lied.

Poppy seemed to see that and just hugged me. "Well let's go get breakfast and then we have to head to the quidditch field. I nodded and looked at my tournament uniform that poppy had laid out on a chair the night before.

It was pretty simple. Black trousers and a long sleeve shirt that was sorta color blocked with yellow and black.

I got dressed and looked at the mirror. "Well?"

"Magnificent as always." The mirror chimed. "Might I suggest a high pony tail today?"

I shrugged putting my long loose curls into a pony tail. "Like that?"


I walked out of the room and towards the entrance of the common room where Poppy was waiting. "Ready birthday girl?" She asked excited.

She linked her arm with mine as we walked to the great hall in our matching uniform. When ever we'd pass Hufflepuffs they smiled and wish us luck. For some reason Ravenclaw students had also decided to be team Hufflepuff and would also cheer as we walked by.

We entered the great hall with people eating breakfast and talking excitedly about today. My eyes instantly went to the Slytherin table where I saw him right away.

Sebastian seemed to have been looking for me because when we made eye contact he couldn't help but grin and begin to stand from the table to walk to us.

I forgot how to breath for a second as he walked up in his tournament uniform. It was the same as ours except with green instead of yellow. His shirt seemed a bit tight on him not that I really minded it. You definitely see all his muscles in this shirt. But again, I didn't really mind the view.

"Happy birthday." He pulled me into a hug not caring that everyone in the room was staring at us. He had so much more height then me that when he wrapped his arms around me the seemed to wrap around the top of my shoulders and my head. My face went straight into his chest where I could smell his cologne. A, sandalwood and cedar, kind of scent. Like he's outside all the time. "I got you a gift."

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