[4] Forgive me.

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Melanie's POV:

It has been 3 weeks since I've been back home with 'my mom' and Nick. I haven't talked to her yet. And I don't really feel the need to talk to her.

She lied to me. I was crying myself to sleep every night because I thought she didn't wanted me anymore but the truth is she never wanted me from the beginning. So she just gave me up for adoption.

It's really painful to hear that from the person who you thought would care the most.

I heard a knock on my door. I didn't answer but she probably didn't care because Demi just walked in.

"Are you still not gonna talk to me." She asked me while she came to sit on the bed. "Look, I'm sorry. You can't keep ignoring me forever."

"Why can't I? You did the same thing to me for 3 months! You lied to me for 3 months okay? You slapped me 2 times, you kicked me out of the house. I'm only 15 okay? I'm not trash you can put outside and slap and kick and then just take it back inside. I'm a human, not trash."

"I didn't lie, I hid it from you, okay? I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid that maybe you would reject me or I don't know. It just didn't felt right to tell you."

I sighed. "Why?" I asked. 

"Because you don't know how hard it was for me. Imagine, you being r-raped by ehm.. your dad and you would get pregnant. I mean no one want that, a kid from your father."

I looked away. "Mel?" She asked. I nodded. "What's wrong?"

"Well uhm. My dad used to come into my room in the evening he always wanted to play g-games with me. He said it was fun, but it, it wasn't fun for me. He came a few times a week. I was only 10 when he came into my room the first time. My mom died around that time.." I teared up a little.

"You never told me that Mel. You only told me he abused you, but not sexually." She said worried.

"I was so embarrassed so I didn't tell anyone." She pulled me into a hug. It was nice to hug her we haven't done that in a while.

"Do you forgive me? You need to understand me Melanie. I blamed myself so why wouldn't you blame me? So I just didn't told you and pushed me away. I asked Nick to do the same. But you don't know how sorry I am." She told with regret.

"It's okay.." I said lying a bit. I was still upset with the fact that she hit me when she promised me she would never do that to me.

"I know it when you're lying. But just take your time." She stood up and left my room.

I feel bad now because she feels upset because of me. I wonder what I still am doing here. I destroy everyone's life, and everyone would be happier without me. Friends wouldn't miss me because I don't have any friends, Demi maybe wouldn't even realize when I would be gone. I disappoint everyone. 

The demons in my head were roaring to just make an end to it and stop all the pain.

Demi's POV:

I went downstairs to Nick, he laid in the couch and I laid down beside him. 

"She's never going to forgive me." I cuddled up to him.

He looked down at me. "She will eventually, you just need to give her some time." He said while he stroked my hair.

"Don't talk, please. I just wanna cuddle with you and forget about all of this."

"Whatever you wish for, princess." I giggled.

"I know we wouldn't talk but I'm kinda hungry." I said making him laugh.

I hit his shoulder. "What're you laughing at? I haven't eaten anything all day!" I yelled dramatically.

"Well it's only 10:34 AM so you're new record." He said laughing. 

"Yeah, I guess so." I said giggling.

"What do you wanna eat, love?" I said while putting a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I would love to eat pancakes.. But you suck at them, don't you?" I laughed.

"Well I'm good at making burned pancakes, interested?" He told me laughing.

The only thing he can make are eggs, well it's good that I'm a great cooker.

"I'll make the pancakes." I said with a smile.

Hey guys! I'm back to writing. I love that I'm writing again, because I don't know, I just love writing, haha. 

So I don't know if I should make Melanie forgive Demi or not? Give me some advice?

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