Chapter 4

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( issei was not a Bounty hunter but a mercenary and the American transfer student is named John not Eric )

We last left off with issei Confronting rias about the burns and Bruises he found on Koneko he also told Rais that he's going to tell her brother Sirzechs about what she does to Koneko . When he was done, he teleported back to his house and eat dinner 

Issei is doing some dishes with sona and Koneko in the kitchen Sirzechs came out of the circle mad issei notice this and Instinctively pushed sona behind him and told Koneko to get behind  him once she gets behind him he  tried to use his grimoire to encase them in a safe Sphere of dark magic but couldn't get formed in time before Sirzechs appeared and he was angry issei knew if it came to blows then he'll lose but he need to by enough time for Koneko and sona to escape 

"How can I help you uncle" asked issei

"You can help me by explaining why you assaulted my sister and tried to rape her" answered Sirzechs 

Issei was shocked at what Sirzechs said and even more shocked that he believed who ever said it.  Sirzechs noticed the the Confused look on issei face and calmed down a little but he was still mad 

"Why do you look confused" asked Sirzechs 

"I'm confused because your accusing me of beating and trying to rape rias  which I never did and if I wanted to you would have never found out because she would never escape " answered issei 

"So your saying that rias lied to me" asked Sirzechs 

Yes now lower your energy before the two people in my house that is not used to this amount of magic in the air passes out" answered issei 

Sirzechs noticing that behind issei there was sona and Koneko having a hard time breathing so he lowered his magic down and relaxed issei did that same sona and Koneko where able to breathe 

Now mind telling me who told you I did that stuff to rias do I can personally go and give them a piece of my mind" asked issei 

"Rias did she told me that you came the orc and attacked her and tried to rape her but you where stopped when akeno came in" answered issei 

"No that's not what happened at all I went over to orc and confronted her about the burns and Bruises I keep finding on Koneko if you don't believe me I can show you the video Footage I have" said issei 

"Why do you have cameras in the orc" asked Sirzechs 

"Yeah why do you have cameras in orc" asked Koneko 

"I put them in about year ago to make sure that Koneko was safe and being treated good but as you can see I've been to Busy to check the video Footage so whenever I have free time, I've been watching the video and I'm going to let you know now there's a lot of sex between rias and akeno " answered issei 

"Can we skip that" asked Sirzechs 

"Yeah and you save us a lot of time because nothing but sex and the Occasional meeting happened for about 6 months" answered issei 

As there where watch the video Sirzechs saw all the horrible things rias did to Koneko and kiba Koneko also said that it all really started going downhill after issei arrived at school Sirzechs closed the laptop and walked over to Koneko and bow and asked for forgiveness for his sister

As there where watch the video Sirzechs saw all the horrible things rias did to Koneko and kiba Koneko also said that it all really started going downhill after issei arrived at school Sirzechs closed the laptop and walked over to Koneko and bow a...

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"Koneko  I'll do anything if you to forgive my sister for how she treated you"  said Sirzechs 

"Anything" asked Koneko 

"Anything" answered Sirzechs 

"I'll forgive her on one condition that is you take rias's peerage away until she's learns to be nicer to her peerage mates also I want kiba and I in issei's peerage" said Koneko 

Issei was shocked that Koneko knew has a peerage not even sona knew he had a peerage 

"Okay you and kiba can join issei's peerage and rias was going to lose her peerage after issei stopped her Arranged marriage with Riser phenix me and her parents decided that she's to Immature to have one" said Sirzechs 

"Uh Koneko how did you know that I had a peerage only vary few know that i have one" asked issei 

"Well whenever you go out for a phone call I've always been ear shot so I just heard it from you when you where talking a person named azazel also when where you going to tell me you knew my sister" answered Kyouka

Before issei could answer he got a phone call issei grabbed his phone and walked out of the room 


[ hey captain we need some help with some stray devils there a large amount of them also we may have a Lead on the fallen angel that killed your parents]

[ Okay I'm on my way also we'll have some new people joining the peerage soon ]

[ sweet I'll have Rebecca send you are location]

Issei ended the call and walked into his room to grabbed some stuff  sona was back in the kitchen cleaning and Koneko was back in her bedroom Sirzechs left also 

"Sona I'm heading out  I won't be home till late" said issei 

"Okay and when you get back I'll fill you in on what Sirzechs said after you left" said sona 

Issei left and started to run to the location he got from his peerage 

And done hope you enjoyed 

issei Hyoudou the last grimoire userWhere stories live. Discover now