9. Nine

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Word count 1462

Ddots pov

I woke up to the call surprisingly still in progress she was still asleep facing the camera still

I had left my phone on my sink while I shower and while I got dressed I picked up my phone and made my way down stairs, I had pop tarts not even cooked, doesn't matter. I grabbed my keys and I was out the door to the whip, I did originally message some of the others to see if they wanted to pull up to the hospital but they ain't even awake, Honestly I expected it tbh.


I got in the car, put my phone on my lap so you can see I'm driving she is still sleeping surprisingly, i started the engine reversing out of the drive way, I picked her up McDonald's before I knew she would be hungry and didn't eat hospital food, I also brought her, her flower blanket and squish mellow she left at my house last time she slept over.


I pulled up to the hospital I clicked my seat belt took out the keys and picked up my phone and the food she, was still asleep god damn but she needs her rest so I let her sleep and kept myself on mute, I made my way in the hospital and asked where her room was they asked how I was related to the patient I legit just said brother cuz oddly enough we looked alike, she let me through said it was room A13 I made my way to her door I hit screen record on my phone and made my way over to her you could see myself on her end and on mine on her phone I made a silly face and moved her phone and hung up the call as I put it on the night stand,

I lightly shook her awake she groaned and rubbed her eyes she squinted as she opened them she mumbled my name as she sat up "hey, how you feeling?" I say closing the blind a little to block the sun light "like I got hit by a bus" she says laying her head back with a sigh "well I brought you food annnd" I say handing her the McDonald's bag and put mine on the chair "and?" She asks sounding like shit "I brought your squish mellow and your favourite flower blanket you left at my place" I say sitting down digging into my food "really?!" She says tossing a fry in her mouth,

I smile she still has her kind heart even though what she's been through "yeah it's in my car if you want I can go get it later" I say sipping my drink while looking at her "that would be great Ddot" she says sighing leaning back again "Ddot" she asked me still looking at the ceiling "yeah ma?" I say looking at her "why are you doing this for me?" She asks making eye contact with me "because your my best friend, and as a bestie should do, I'm here for you, why what makes you ask?" I say putting my food down

"oh nothing it's that you came here out of your will, you could be doing so much more they in a hospital with me" she says looking at me I search her face for any signs of any new expression "I actually don't have anything to do today thank you very much, and I decided to come here because I love yo monkey ass word2 an yo monkey ass is my day one" I look at here as she looks down "it's just my dad was meant to be here first thing and he's still not here, no one has visited me in the last day, other than you today" she says looking out the window she's probably looking for her dads car

"I'll be back, ima go ask the front lady something real quick" I kiss her four head and make my way out the door to the front desk to ask the front desk something that might cheer her up a tad bit "hey, um I was wondering if y/n santos can go out for the day and she would be back before noon?" I say asking the same lady that checked me in "patient in A13?, yes she may but only for a few hours due to her check up at 2:30pm today" she says looking at her computer

"thank you so much lady" I say making my way back to her room I walk back in to see her getting frustrated at her phone she turned it off and put it face up on the bed, she saw me walk back in her face lit up making me smile "wanna go out?" I say standing next to her bed "I can go out?" "Yeah I asked the front desk they said you can go out just be back before 2:30 for your next check up" she seemed sis happy now that she can go out

"let me get changed out of this and we can go anywhere?" She says Getting up stumbling a bit, she makes her way to her bag and searched for clothes she pulls out the red sugar hill zip up jacket with Ddot bedazzled on the back and sugar hill bedazzled on the front and a pair of sweats and my pair of Jordan money fours


Your pov

I pulled my clothes out of my bag and changed in the bath room I did no make up just skin care on one side of my face and just stared at myself

'Man I look like fucking shit dude' as I touch my bandages, my thought where quickly interrupted by Ddot telling me he's ready to go, I walk out the bathroom.

We where in his car figuring out where we should go "wanna go get ice cream?" He suggested "yessir you already know" I say sitting up straight and buckling up my seatbelt and he drives away to the closets ice cream shop.

Me and Ddot where eating ice cream at a look out near by "hey Ddot" I asked him as he looked at the view "why is no one talking to me?"I ask pitting my cup of ice cream down and looking at him, we make eye contact "well I'm not a no one am I?" He asks eating more of his ice cream "why are you the only one talking to me then Ddot? I ask him eating more of my ice cream "because your my friend? And that's what friends do isn't"

"Do what Ddot, im not really getting your point" I say looking at the mountains

"Being there for you it's what friends do ma, talk to you be there for you, an quite frankly Ion no why no one is talking to you wrd2 but I'm here and that has to count for something in yo eyes aight" he says taking a deep breath after all that talking

"Ddot, you don't know how much this means to me. You being here actually showing up not like my dad setting me up and not even showing like he said he would, and you man I don't know what I'm going to do I get out of hospital in a few days and my dad hasn't even messaged me saying he's picking me or sending a car nor has he even messaged me today about sorry for not showing or sorry but I'll be there tomorrow I promise or sum shit" I look down at the ground waiting for his reply he didn't reply he just got up and hugged me.

"I'll always be there for you ma, no matter what if you where two blocks away and you message saying I'm scared can you pick me up I would run tracks to get there ma heart, alright don't worry about your dad okay if he doesn't pick you up I'll try my hardest to see if I can pick you up and I can see if i can stay with you for the rest of your nights there and take you back to the crib" he said as we whispered sweet nothingness into my ear after

"Thanks, we should get going tho it's kinda already 1:40" I say breaking our hug and throwing my ice cream container in the bin he Throws his in after me and we get in the car and on our way back to the hospital we go


Should I make y/n life with Ddot?

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