Project 674

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"What was the boss thinking?" Thought Chuuya as he sat in Mori's office waiting for his return. He'd been working on a top secret and incredibly risky business transaction also known as project 674, for a few days now but the transaction had just gotten a lot more hazardous.

The mission was to retrieve highly valuable information from government records regarding one of the rival organization executives. If they failed to collect all the necessary documents the rival group was sure to retaliate and Chuuya knew the Port Mafia wasn't in the kind state for another organizational war.

Mori had never told him the Rival's Group's end of the transaction, nor the organization's name even though Chuuya was supposedly in charge of the entire thing. This did not only confuse him but it begged the question on why Mori was supplying him with such a lack of detail. Did he not trust Chuuya?

Suddenly Chuuya heard a quiet knock as the door carefully swung open. Mori stood at the doorway with a young girl hovering beside him. Mori was dressed a lot more casual today, only wearing some black slacks, a collared shirt and a black satin vest. His face wore a relaxed smile but chuuya could sense the cold emotions that laid beneath his skin. Elise, the young girl standing beside him, had on a brand new black lacy dress and wore a black and white polka-dotted bow attached to both sides of her pigtails.

Chuuya knew Mori well enough not to take his facial expressions too seriously. Mori was a master at manipulation, he had learned that a long time ago.

Mori stepped inside the room and softly shut the door. "Elise, how about you try on some of the beautiful clothes I got you out shopping today!" Smiled Mori, squinting his eyes and handing Elise a designer shopping bag. Chuuya felt a wave of both second hand embarrassment and discomfort. What a fucking weirdo, Chuuya thought to himself as he readjusted his position on the couch he was on. Elise stuck her tongue out at Mori, grabbing the bag from his hands and storming out the room. Moris face grew pale as he forced his shocked expression into a distorted smile.

"Can you wrap this up, boss? I got work to do surrounding the mission" Chuuya propped his leg up on the coffee table in front of him and gave the boss a frustrated look. "Apologies Chuuya, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.." Mori turns his head to face Chuuya directly as he slowly starts to make his way over to him. "Me and Elise got caught in some traffic heading home from the shops today, I hope we didn't cause you too much trouble" Mori says with a forced chuckle.

Chuuya couldn't have given less of a shit. His main priority was getting out of this hell hole of a meeting. He needed to get back to direct the Port Mafia on their next move surrounding the project.

"I've actually requested to speak with you today to give you a very important update on project 674." Mori said, his voice became a lot more cold and his distorted expression flattened instantly.

This made Chuuya shiver, he hardly ever saw Mori in this state and in the few times he has it was never for a good reason. Chuuya straightened his posture and removed his legs from the table in front of him.

"Chuuya, the Port Mafia is required to get the necessary information for 764 before the end of next week. Am I correct?" Mori asks, taking a seat across from Chuuya and keeping the same flat expression from when he began the conversation.

Chuuya clears his throat, trying to hide his anxiety on what was yet to come out of the bosses mouth "That is correct." Chuuya was well aware that Mori knew he was anxious, nothing slipped past Mori.

"How much progress have we made?" Mori asks, this time smiling a little. Chuuya takes a deep breath and prepares himself "We underestimated the amount of security that the government possesses..." The Mafia had hardly accomplished any of the mission's requirements and with him being in charge their fault was his to blame.
"That's not good is it?" Mori sighed. 

Chuuya was surprised at how well Mori was taking this. Him and Mori were nothing alike, it disoriented him on how Mori is always so well mannered and stays calm and collected even during the most stressful events.

Mori takes a deep breath, his expression becoming a bit distressed but keeping his tone the same. "The anonymous organization requests we fulfill our requirements from our end of the deal by this Sunday instead."

Chuuya can't keep a straight face anymore. His jaw drops and his eyes widen. He slams his fists on the coffee table, causing a cup of untouched coffee to spill.  "ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR DAMN MINDS!?" Chuuya shouts, his raspy voice bouncing off the walls of the large office.

Chuuya knew it was inappropriate to lash out in a work setting, especially around the boss, but what on earth was he supposed to do? He was the actual definition of short tempered, he would never admit that though.

He has gone through days of sleepless nights consecutively and worked his ass off over time just for this damned mission. He had started to think he couldn't even wrap up the requirements for project 674 by the original due date but now it's been cut by a whole 5 days!? Who the hell did Mori think he was? This isn't just tough labor, this is torture.

Chuuya took a deep breath and lifted his fists off the desk. He then picked up the spilled coffee cup, and placed it back sitting right side up. "Excuse me for my outburst." Apologized Chuuya as he straightened his posture and stared at his shoes in embarrassment.

Regardless of how much shame he had for acting the way he did in front of Mori he was still greatly pissed off at the guy. Why did he make that deal to begin with?

Mori takes a breath, "It's alright Chu-" When halfway through his sentence Elise bursts in the room. Which causes the double doors to slam into the wall on both sides. "RINTARŌ YOU CHEAPSKATE!" Elise screams, throwing the shopping bag directly at Mori's face.
"What's wrong Elise chan??" Mori bat's his eyelids as he carefully places the shopping bag on the floor beside him. "You got this dress on the clearance rack!" Elise whines, signaling to the discounted price on the tag. "Oh but Elise the dress was so cute, I couldn't resist.." Elise stomps the ground as she storms up to Mori, purposely getting in his personal space. "AM I NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY?" She barks, stepping on his foot with her black Mary Jane shoes.

Chuuya tries to contain a laugh as Mori holds in a yelp, as much as he was stressed out before Elise definitely brightened the atmosphere.

"I am more than willing to buy you another dress when I have the time, my wife." Mori said with sympathy. Chuuya almost gagged, how much more disgusting could this pervert get? At least he was entertained for the most part and it got his mind off his current struggles.

"I don't want your stupid dresses, it's boring going out shopping with you anyway!" Elise stuck her nose in the air turning around so her back was from Mori and was facing Chuuya instead.

"Hi Chuuya!" Elise smiled, giving Chuuya a little wave as if nothing just happened. Chuuya saw from the corner of his eye Mori's distorted smile fall victim to his face again.

"Hello Elise!" Responded Chuuya, he waved back at Elise as he tilted his head smiling. "Elise chan…" Mori said with a shaky and nervous voice. Chuuya found it quite pathetic on how he never stood up to Elise but figured it was some weird gross kink he might have had. "Can you leave me and Chuuya to discuss some very important things, I'll give you plenty of attention later." Cooed Mori as he lowered his eyebrows and looked at Elise with a self pitying expression. Elise scoffed, "I'm gonna mess with the people downstairs, they're more entertaining than you anyway." Mori froze distraughtly as Elise strutted her way back to the double doors and slammed them as she left.

Mori shook off his poignant expression as he tracked down Chuuyas eye contact once again. "My apologies, Elise can get a bit out of hand at times" Mori said, his cheeks turning a bit red. "I wonder why…" Chuuya scoffed under his breath.

Mori hunched his back as he rested his elbows on the table in front of him, placing his head on top. "To continue our previous conversation.." Mori said, his voice shifting back to its original serious tone. "I would like to inform you that I am more than aware of your current struggles surrounding project 674"

Of course he was well aware, what did Mori not know? "So I've requested some extra assistance from another agent who specializes in receiving such high security documents." Chuuyas eyes squinted in confusion, the amount of security the Port Mafia needed to bypass for this mission was not humanly possible, at least that's what Chuuya thought. Who on earth had Mori entrusted with retrieving the necessary information?

Mori's lips curled into a devious smile, "I'm assuming you still remember Osamu Dazai?"

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