1 - Far out Sally

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The fit - <3 If you don't like it just imagine something else

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The fit - <3 If you don't like it just imagine something else

Sally ran her hand through her fluffy dark brown hair carelessly as she ambled down the lively city street. The bandages that painted her wrists and neck complimented her white and black attire. She had a smug look on her face and walked with confidence in each step.

The watch on her bandaged wrist buzzed, making her jump and her heart skip a beat. Stopping in her tracks, she looked at her wrist to see it was a message from her boss, Dream. She figured she could take time out of her day to look at it so she moved aside to let through civilians and leaned on a nearby wall. Her wrist read: "There's a traitor among the c-squadron, dispose of them and I'll be happy, they're in the underground training centre, the five of you will need to be there to reassure reasoning and safety of the other members, be there in 10". She pushed her body off the wall as a small smirk played on her features. Her hands found their way to her pockets as she began to race into the alleyways that connect and eventually take her to the the entry. She was weaving through until sight of another person, leaned against a brick wall, pulled her attention. She grasped her small knife in her right pocket just in case.

She slightly furrowed her brows as the person seemed to be dressed in black, head to toe. They looked back at her, immediately pulling a red and black mask up their face, her heart started racing as she noticed the half and half pattern on it. It's them. The unknown figure pulled a small knife from their belt. This'll be fun, she thought, slightly chuckling with a smirk. They booked it in her direction, knife ready to stab her lifeless, only because she was an influential member of the lead team. Sally is apart of a Mafia agency known as the 'Nightmares', founded by their main man, Dream. She plays the role of the risky, crazy one. She's always the one risking her life for the ones around her, she doesn't care if she dies, she constantly makes jokes about it. Sally's just here because if they didn't save her she'd be a suicidal maniac running ramped.

Sally comes to halt just before the person reaches her, stepping to the right at the literal last second. She could've died. The person misses, running straight past her.

"You missed" she smugly criticised, chuckling to intimidate her opponent.

An irritated groan was heard from the figure now behind her.

"Don't pop a vein, you can kill me right now" her voice slowly got more serious as she talked.

Her back was still open and turned away from them. So yeah, they really could just kill her right now.

"Come on, chop chop, I have somewhere to be" she clapped her hands together on, chop chop.

She heard the person quickly advancing on her again after another annoyed moan fell from their lips.

She just casually turned around to face them, knife in hand. What an idiot. Before they could stab her, she got them, right in the chest. They lost grip of their knife, it dropping to the dirty floor. Blood sprayed from their mouth right onto Sally's new white button up.

"It was new too" she pouted.

The body fell to the ground and she kneeled down to level with it. She reached and pulled the mask of the face so she could give it to her boss. The idiot was wearing a blindfold. Dude just wanted to sound cool when he told everyone he killed someone blindfolded. Now she has to make a quick trip to Wilbur so he can cremate the body without trace.

Sally picked up the body over her shoulder and quickly made it to the entrance to the agency.

Once her identification was done she entered the building and quickly dropped off the body to Wilbur. He's a bit quirky.

She thanked him and speedily ran down to the underground training area where Sapnap, George, Quackity and Karl were all standing near the group with the traitor. She slowed down to a walk and the four of them gave her all different types of looks.

"What did you do this time?" George facepalmed, sighing.

"The moron tried to kill me blindfolded, then proceeded to bleed all over my new white button up"

A few chuckles were heard from the men, they were used to the attitude and behaviour.

"Sadly he didn't kill me though, actually that's a good new idea, I'll write it down. Try and kill someone blindfolded."

Sapnap lightly tapped her over the head "Knowing you, you'd probably still somehow survive that"

You wiped the bloodied knife on your shirt.

George tapped Sally's shoulder and whispered in her ear "Wanna do the honours Sal?"

Sally nodded "Roger" then walked up to the group, training.

"Who even says that-"

"Listen up kids, wondering why we are down here?"

They all looked between each other .

"That's what I thought, now if I'm right, one of your friends is a traitor. You know who you are and so do we"

Her team all lined up by her side "Now, I think it would be so good if you just owned up to it. But you'll be difficult so we'll just do this the quick way. Wont we, Jed" she chuckled, grabbing the hand gun from her back pocket.

"Come up mate" he didn't come up, but his team all moved away from him, leaving him isolated in the middle of the room.

"Wow, so sickly you can't even own up to your doings, kinda sad, I had hope for you too"

Sally raised her arm and pointed the gun at him, the gunshot made the room fall into silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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