Prologue: Onderon

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Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka walked through the dense forest of Onderon, being drawn towards the ruins of some kind of ancient temple. As they approached, they felt the dark presence stronger than ever before. Obi-Wan pressed a button on his wrist communicator, and an image of Jedi Grandmaster Yoda appeared, along with Masters Mace Windu and Plo Koon. " We have found what's containing the dark presence here on Onderon. It appears to be some kind of large temple, and it's strong with the Force. " Master Kenobi said. " Head inside you must. confront who or whatever is within, you should. " Master Yoda said. Master Kenobi nodded and the communicator switched off. " Well, let's head in. " Anakin said, walking forward. The group of Jedi walked into the temple, immediately feeling a bone-chilling cold. Voices seemed to echo out, like faint whispers. " What or whoever is here has indeed embraced the Dark Side of the Force. " Obi-Wan said. " I think we need to head deeper. I believe whatever it is will be in the center of the temple. " Ahsoka said. Anakin and Obi-Wan nodded, and the trio walked deeper within the temple. Meanwhile, deep within the heart of the temple, a carbonite box sat, with someone inside. 

~The Jedi draw closer. You must speed up the defrosting cycle~

{I know, I know! Wait, who the hell are you?} 

Slowly, the icy prison began to melt, cracking in some places and completely breaking in others. A loud CRACK! echoed through the temple as the man inside stepped out slowly. The three Jedi turned to look down a long hallway that led into an open room. " Down there. That's the source of the fark presence from before. " Anakin said. The others nodded in agreement and rushed down the halls, lightsabers drawn. The blue and emerald of their lightsabers illuminated the darkness just enough to see someone in battle armor standing in front of them. Beside him, a shattered carbonite prison lay across the ground. " Who or what are you? " Obi-Wan asked. The stranger looked at them with a look of confusion on his face. " Who... Am I? I... I don't know. " The man said, looking at himself. The stranger suddenly held his head, as if he was in immense pain. 

~One day you will remember who you are. You have already used the Force again, which means you have progressed. When that day comes, when your training is complete, the Republic will fear us once more~

The man in armor collapsed as the three Jedi looked at each other with confused expressions spread across their faces. " I suppose we should take him back to Coruscant. The Council will want to talk to him... Or interrogate him. " Master Kenobi said. Using the Force, Anakin lifted the armored man as they made their way back to their ship. Obi-Wan pressed the same button on his wrist communicator, with Yoda and Plo Koon answering. " We have found the source of the darkness. It appears to be a man wearing Sith Battle Armor. I suspect he isn't from our time period since we found a shattered carbonite prison that had carbon scoring on it that seemed possibly thousands of years old. " Obi-Wan said. " This is indeed interesting. Does he remember who he is? " Plo Koon asked. " I don't believe he does. He seemed confused when I asked him who he was. " Obi-Wan said. " Erased his memory, the carbonite has. " Master Yoda said. " Well, we are bringing him back to Coruscant. I will bring him before the Council. " Obi-Wan said, bowing before Master Yoda and Plo Koon. The communicator turned off and they brought the young Sith to their ship. 

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