Chapter I: The Jedi Temple

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Obi-Wan guided the dark warrior down the ship ramp while Anakin and Ahsoka walked out behind them. " Anakin, you and your Padawan should go finish your training. I will take him before the council. " Obi-Wan said. " Very well Master. Come on, Snips! " Anakin said. Ahsoka nodded and they walked past Master Kenobi and the warrior. " This way. " Obi-Wan said, directing him into the Temple. As they walked through the Temple, many Jedi stared at the armored soldier, confused and concerned. The two of them walked into a large elevator which lead up to the High council chambers. 

~For now, you must either receive Jedi training, or seek out a powerful Sith Lord~

{Why the Kriff should I listen to a random voice in my head?}

~I am a guide. I entered your head all those years ago when you were frozen and abandoned by the people who you called friends. I can guide you to a path were you claim the glory and power that should've been yours to begin with~

{I see... And you believe these... Jedi.... Can help?}

~Possibly. If push comes to shove, you must escape and head to the planet of Serenno~

The elevator let out a short BEEP! and the doors opened, showing the large chambers with the highest ranking Masters within. " Master Kenobi. This must be the dark warrior you found on Onderon. " Master Windu said. " Yes Master, We found him frozen in carbonite in some kind of temple. " Master Kenobi said. " Strong with the Force, this warrior is. Wearing armor from times long forgotten, he is. " Grandmaster Yoda said. " We analyzed a chunk of the carbon-scorched ice, and it suggests that he has been frozen for almost four millennia. " Master Kenobi said. The Masters began talking amongst themselves, 

~They sense your potential... The power within you that you used so long ago. I can teach you how to use the basics once more if the Jedi cannot. On Serenno you will find someone who can help advance your training if the Jedi will not allow you within their ranks~

" We took a small blood sample to test his Midichlorians, and... Well, it's off the charts. " Master Kenobi said, pressing a small button a a holodisk to display an image of various Midichlorian counts. " This is a picture showing the normal count for most Jedi, showing around 10-12,000 per cell. The slightly advanced appear in the 12-13,000 range. from 13-16,000, those with a count such as this are considered very powerful with high potential. from 16-19,000, Many Jedi Masters and Sith Lords fell into this category, such as Grandmaster Yoda, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, and many others. Anakin is the first Jedi in two millennia to have a count over 20,000, with him hitting 27,000. This warrior has a count hitting 30,000, which is the highest ever recorded in our Order's history. He has more raw potential then Anakin, at least in terms of the Force. " Obi-Wan said, stroking his beard. The council was shocked. Anakin alone was powerful, and he hadn't hit his full potential yet. Who knows what this dark warrior could do?  

~They fear your power. They may attempt to kill you. Perhaps you should prepare for an escape, but only if necessary~

" Perhaps he should be trained as a Jedi. I f he doesn't remember anything, he could become a powerful Jedi. " Master Mundi said. " In the middle of a war, we are. Not many masters to train him, there are. " Grandmaster Yoda said. " I will train him. I have gone almost three decades without a student. I believe I can teach him well. " Master Plo Koon said. The rest of the council nodded in approvement. " Decided it is than. Your Padawan, this warrior shall be. " Master Yoda said, nodding.

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