Follow the steps

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My eyes slowly open as I awake from dozing, I'm woken by the sound of my cousin and her friend Ron fighting about their pets (again). I reposition myself in the chair, but ever so slowly as to not awaken my cat Callisto who has fallen asleep on my lap.

They continue their argument, when I see a boy about my age walking down the stairs, with brown hair, greenish-blueish eyes, and a scar on his head. WAIT, I know who that is, that's Harry Potter. I have heard many stories about him battling the dark lord, but more importantly, I heard about all the fun he has with Hermione and Ron (she never shuts up about the three of them).

I kinda wish I had that friendship with someone, but no one at my old school, Beauxbaton took any notice of me. I was a total reject there, I was never good enough, pretty enough, or loved enough. But in my last term, I started working harder, I started getting better grades and improved my magic but I was bullied even more, I was a nerd now, and I was an easy target, to them and Hermione.

She loved the fact that although I was trying she was still better. As soon as I got a new spell, she had already perfected it, I get a A- and she gets an A+. I lie and say I made a friend and she just brags about how she has the best group of friends and that she is so popular, and although I hate her so much, for some reason I just want to be like her, have her amazing life and not be in the shadows anymore.

We arrive at the train station, I hold tight onto Callisto, take deep breaths, close my eyes and count backwards in 3s from 100. 100, 97, 94, 91, 88, 85, 8....... I feel people around me. I open my eyes and there are two of Ron's brothers, I think their names are George and F......

Fred: "Fred Weasley, that's my brother George, pleasure to meet you"
Y/n: "And you both too"
George: "Are you alright mate, you look a bit scared, don't stress there is nothing to worry about."
I nod slightly
Fred: "Just wait until you meet Professor Snape, then you will know what scared feels like" He was quickly interrupted by this older woman who from memory I think was their mum. I was pleased she interrupted because although he said it in a joking manner I couldn't help but feel more worried about what was to come.

Molly: "Boys leave the poor girl alone, she will be fine" She put an arm around my shoulder and brought her face close to my ear, she said in a hushed voice, "Don't you worry my dear, you will do great, if you need anything don't be afraid to ask Hermione or Ron. Or you could send an owl to me" I give her a slight smile as to say 'thank you' and walk on to find the trio.

We make our way onto the train and find a compartment in the Gryffindor section, in the corner of the room, there is a strange man with a cloak on his face. It was clear he was asleep

Ron: "I wonder who he is?"
Hermione: "Professor R.J. Lupin"
Ron: "How do you know that"
Hermione: "It's written on his case"

I make my way over, opposite the man, right next to the window, that way I will get a good view of the trip. I sit down.

Hermione: she clears her throat "Y/n you can't sit there, that's Ron's spot"
I stand up to move out of the way
Y/n: "Sorry"
Hermione: "Thank you" As I move past her she grabs my arm and whispers in my ear "You should be grateful that you can even sit with me, I'm only doing this because my parents made me promise to keep an eye out for you"
I lower my head and reposition myself in the seat by the door. I reach into my bag to get a book, I pull out 'Potion-making' and begin to read, I try my best not to look up from my book so that I don't give Hermione any more reasons to be mad at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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