Chapter 12-Her trust

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Elijah's office

Elijah knew he would have a very busy day today and he was debating on what to do with his precious Angel.Elijah could leave her here there was a spell making sure that she couldn't leave the house but then she would be alone and scared.Or he could bring her with him making her trust him more and spending more time with Angel .

Unsurprisingly Elijah chose the second option

Brady's Trailer

[The dead werewolves lie in a pile next to a bonfire. Brady carries another body of a dead friend over his shoulder and places him on the pile. Brady looks over at Jules, who is watching the fire burn the bodies, Jules looks up at him, sadly. Wordlessly, they walk over to Stevie, who is pacing in front of the trailer.]
Brady: [to Stevie] Go ahead. Tell her.
Stevie: Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer that screams, "I should have known better."
Jules: What is it, Stevie?
Stevie: When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot, vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know.
Jules: [agitated] All right. Just get to the point, Stevie.
Stevie: That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it, if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse.
Brady: We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town.

Forbes Residence

[Elena's cell phone goes off, waking up the trio of girls. Caroline promptly pushes Elena out of bed.]
Caroline: Go away!
Elena: Unf.
[Elena lands on the floor and looks back up at Caroline, angrily. She crawls across the floor towards her phone and takes it off the dresser.]
Elena: [Answering the phone.] Hello?
[Caroline and Bonnie look over at Elena from Caroline's bed, both incredibly annoyed with being awaken.]
Bonnie: Shhh.
Caroline: Elena!
[Elena drags herself out of Caroline's room and continues her conversation in the hallway.]
Stefan: How was the slumber party?
Elena: Good and much needed. [Flirtatiously.] When can you and I have one?
Stefan: Mmm. That can be arranged.
Elena: Okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away.
Stefan: Even with everything that's going on?
Elena: Because of everything that's going on.
Stefan: And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?
Elena: Uh, this has everything to do with that.
Stefan: Well, in that case, where would you like to go?
[Elena smiles.]

Salvatore Boarding House

[Andie checks her watch and puts on her jacket as she walks down the stairs. Damon follows behind her, carrying her scarf.]
Andie: I'm late. This is such a crazy day. [Looking in the mirror at the bottom of the stairs.] I'm, uh, covering the Historical Society's High Tea.
[Andie has a bandage over her bite mark on her neck.]
Damon: [Sarcastically; throwing the scarf up] Ooh! Thrilling.
[They walk together down the main hallway leading to the front door.]
Andie: Yeah. It's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze.
Damon: Writer? What's his name?
Andie: Uh, Elijah Smith.
Damon: Smith. He's using Smith?
[Andie looks at herself, yet again, in a different mirror. Damon places the scarf around her neck and ties it.]
Damon: Okay. You have your story straight in your mind, right?
Andie: I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest.
[Damon smiles, places his hands on either side of her head, and compels her.]
Damon: And you're falling hard.
Andie: You might be the one.
Damon: Perfect.
[Damon opens the front door for Andie. Alaric, not having knocked yet, stands on the front porch.]
Damon: Have a great day, honey.
[Damon kisses Andie. They pull apart and Andie walks out the front door, acknowledging Alaric.]
Andie: Oh. Hey, Alaric. Later.
[Andie gets in her car and leaves. Damon waves goodbye to her. Alaric moves to stand in front of Damon.]
Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Star, action news.
Alaric: It's not called action news.
Damon: I know. I just like saying it. Come on.
[Alaric enters. Damon shuts the door behind him and leads Alaric into the parlor.]
Damon: So, John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah and then hopefully we will get my little one back.
[Damon unrolls the dagger from its protective cloth.]
Damon: Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that.
[Damon hands the dagger to Alaric and Alaric takes it.]
Alaric: So you think it's a setup?
Damon: It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him.
[Damon turns around and heads to the bar.]
Damon: What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?
[Alaric gets up and walks over to Damon.]
Alaric: Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this Historical Society thing at the Lockwoods.
Damon: Where Elijah's the guest of honour and hopefully he brings Angel with him.
Alaric: Tell me you're not gonna kill him at the tea party.
Damon: No. That would be stupid.
[Alaric gives Damon a skeptical look.]
Damon: I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met.I have a little princess to get back after all.
[Damon annoyingly taps Alaric with the dagger. Alaric looks on at him, clearly not amused.]

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