Cap 2 (first day)

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You wake up to the alarm clock going off, you look at the clock and see it's 4:30 AM, it's early so there's nothing to do but get ready. You get ready for your daily workout every morning, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats, and run for 1 hour non-stop. You come home at 6:50, you get your uniform, take a shower, eat and get ready, taking about 20-30 minutes.
Your class starts at 7:30.

You run out of the house and head towards the school, passing many people of different ages as you walk.

The weather is mild, so the sun caresses your skin as you walk, the sky is clear and the schoolyard is full of life. You can smell the flowers and the wind.

You arrive a little earlier than expected. You look around and see several students on the school road. You don't see Daniel but it's only a matter of time before he arrives.

You will talk to the students. You are quite impressed with how polite the students really are, they speak politely and kindly to each other, they are very pleasant to talk to and seem to be very polite.

You chat with them for about 20 minutes until Daniel finally arrives at the school.

You go towards Daniel but look back and smile politely to say “Goodbye.”

You greet Daniel and look him in the eye. Daniel looks at him sincerely and returns his gaze.

“Hey.” He speaks politely.

"How are you? Did you sleep well?" You ask Daniel.

Daniel smiles and says, "I'm fine, I slept really well last night, how did you sleep?" he asks politely.

"I slept really well" you smile gently at him "who are your friends? I want to meet them".

"Mmm well I have a few but the ones I consider my closest friends are Jay Hong, Zoe Park, Zack Lee, Mira Kim and Vasco." He explains.

“And they are all amazing!” He says, "you'll love meeting them!"

"Can you introduce me to them?" You ask curiously.

"Oh yes! Do you want to hang out after class with us? That way we can get to know each other better” He says.

"Of course!! It would be amazing" you say super excited about the idea.

“I can't wait! Where do you want to meet them? They have a lot of options, you can meet at the coffee shop or at the park, I can take you to one of them!” he asks politely.

“I personally recommend the cafeteria, the caffeine in the coffee is always nice!” He jokes politely. “So where do you prefer?” He asks with a polite and sincere expression.

"The coffee shop is a great option, I love coffee" you smile at him, we hear the bell ring "Wow, it's 7:30 AM".

"We already have to go to class if we don't want to be late" Daniel says.

"Could you show me where our class is? I don't know anything about this school" you smile a little embarrassed.

“Oh! Of course, I'll help you.” Daniel says politely, “Well, room 101 is on the left corner of the school. Follow me." he says politely.

You follow Daniel without knowing where you are going, until Daniel stops in front of a door that has something written on it in Korean that you don't understand.

"What is that?" You ask Daniel but keep trying to read what's written.

"It's the principal's office. Today is your first day of school, right? You have to go to the principal's office to find out which room you're in" he says opening the door for you to enter "I have to go to class so I won't be able to stay with you everything is good here?".

"It's okay. You can go to your class, I can do it myself" You smile gently at him.

"Okay, take care" he says and starts to walk away from you to go to your room.

You walk in the door a little anxious because you don't know what to do. You see an old man sitting in a chair behind a large table.

"Look... I'm a new student" you say in English still anxious not knowing what to do.

"Which one? There are several, tell me your name" the man says rudely.

"My name is y/n" You say in Korean.

He says something in Korean that you don't understand and you just stare at him as he fiddles with the computer in front of him.

“So you are the transfer student who comes from Japan, right?” He asks in English. “Did you adapt well to Korea? It doesn't seem easy to change countries.” He smiles politely.

"Today is my second day in Korea but I'm adapting well, I've even made a Korean friend" you say smiling.

"This is good, so you won't have any problems getting used to it" he says getting up from his chair "do you already know fluent korean?" He asks going towards him.

"Not yet but I'm trying to learn as soon as possible" you say in English.

"So you'll have to go to the exchange students' room" he goes to the door "the teachers teach in English so it won't be a problem for you" he opens the door. "Follow me, I'll show you where your room is"

You follow him without saying anything the whole way, you don't even know who this old man is, is he the director? When you arrive in the room you see only 4 students in the room, there are not many exchange students in Korea. You enter the room along with the man and stand in front of the painting.

"Students, this is the new transfer student here" the man says in English but everyone seems to be ignoring them "please introduce yourself" he says to you.

"My name is y/n, I come from Japan" you say in English a little nervously.

"You can sit down" the man says leaving the room.

There are many empty tables because there were only 4 students in a room that has 20 students. You sit in the corner of the room by the window, you look around to analyze things. The room is very tidy and super clean, the students seem to be arrogant but we can't judge without talking to them first, and the teacher looks tired and doesn't feel like teaching, she isn't talking to anyone and doesn't seem to care about the students. Final conclusion, this class is going to be horrible.

time skip

Finally class is over and you can leave that place. It's halftime now and you're following people around because you don't know where the cafeteria is, on the way you feel someone put an arm around your shoulder.

"Hey kitty" you hear a disgusting voice and look at the owner of the voice.

He's a tall, fat, strong man, full of tattoos, he doesn't look like he's a teenager, he looks like he's 24 at the most. You try to take his arm off his shoulder but he holds you tighter.

"Don't be shy" he says hugging you tightly "I know you're a slut like the others".

When you were going to make a move to get him off of you, you hear a voice shouting something in Korean but you don't understand. That voice made the man let go of me and look back, I look too and see Daniel coming towards us and he looked furious.

"Let her go Logan" Daniel says irritably

"Logan? So that's this man's name" You think distracted from the situation.

When I turn my attention back to the situation, Logan had already punched Daniel in the face but Daniel managed to dodge it very quickly and that surprised you. All the people around were staring and saying things in Korean the whole time, it was making you dizzy so you decide to do something to stop it. You give Logan a hard kick in the back that makes him fall to the ground, he turns to you and tries to attack you but you dodge and grab his hand and spin him in the air causing him to fall on his back to the ground again.

"Leave Daniel alone" you say in Korean and take Daniel's hand and leave with him.

Logan yells some things you don't understand but it doesn't matter, you go with Daniel to the cafeteria and several people look at you hand in hand.

Words: 1429

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